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Wednesday 25th January: John Wayne on the Walk of Fame. (Hollywood, CA)


Soo Yung Han is born. (Hong Kong, China)


James Carter goes on vacation.


Wednesday 25th December: Carter spreads a rumour about sleeping with Detective Tania Johnson. His mom gives his cousin Luke a suit as a Christmas present. (Los Angeles, CA)


Monday 30th June: Detective Inspector Lee and his special task force crush Juntao's organization and recover artifacts from 5000 years of China's heritage. (Hong Kong, China)

Monday 30th June: Detective Inspector Lee and his special task force crush Juntao's organization and recover artifacts from 5000 years of China's heritage. (Hong Kong, China)

September: Inspector Lee and Detective Carter team up to save Soo Yung from Juntao. (Los Angeles, CA)

Friday 28th November: Carter sees Luke on Thanksgiving. (Los Angeles, CA)

Friday 28th November: Carter sees Luke on Thanksgiving. (Los Angeles, CA)


August: Clive Cod's license plate expires. (Los Angeles, CA)

October: A van's license plate expires. (Los Angeles, CA)

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