The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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Friday 29th April: Billy takes a test and passes 8th grade. (Billy Madison)

May: Rhiannon Abernathy is born. (Ojai, California - Easy A)

May: Paul Rusesabagina, himself a Hutu, shelters hundreds of Tutsi's and some Hutu moderates during the Hutu lead genocide, as the Western world ignores the situation . (Kilgali, Rwanda - Hotel Rwanda)

May: Mr. miyagi takes Julie to a Buddhist monastery to teach her karate. (Boston, MA - The Next Karate Kid)

Monday 2nd May: Billy starts going to Joseph Knibbs Memorial High School. (Billy Madison)

Friday 6th May: The events of Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan begin. (Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan)

Saturday 7th May: The events of Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan finish. (Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan)

Saturday 7th May: According to a mentally ill man named Harold, this is the date that John Wayne Gacy was executed. (Halloween: Resurrection)

Tuesday 10th May: Nelson Mandela inaugurated as first black president of South Africa. (Goodbye Bafana)

Friday 13th May: Jason Voorhees's body is blown apart by the FBI in an ambush, though during the autopsy, the coroner eats Jason's heart and becomes possessed by his spirit. (Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday)

Friday 13th May: Thomas Kubs is born. (North Pasadena, California - Project X)

June: Lord Voldemort returns in human form, and tries but fails to kill Harry Potter for the fourth time. (England - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

June: After graduating from college, T.S. Quint and Brandi Svenning are married at Universal Studios. (Mallrats)

June: Eric McGowen takes Julie Pierce to the prom. Julie defeats Ned and Mr. Miyagi defeats Colonel Dugan. (Boston, MA - The Next Karate Kid)

Sunday 12th June: O.J. Simpson is accused of killing ex-wife Nicole and Ron Goldman. (American Tragedy)

Wednesday 15th June: By this time Billy Madison has passed grades 1-12 and decides to go to college and become a teacher. Carl takes over the hotel chain. (Billy Madison)

Wednesday 15th June: Max videotapes Melissa trying to build a birdhouse. (Washington DC - Timecop)

Thursday 16th June: Jesse and Celine meet on a train and spend a romantic day together, without exchanging phone numbers. (Vienna, Austria - Before Sunrise)

Friday 17th June: O.J. Simpson arrested after flight from justice. (Los Angeles, California - American Tragedy)

Tuesday 12th July: Castor Troy assassinates Alfred Evans, Croatian Ambassador. (Berlin, Germany - Face/Off)

Friday 15th July: Julian McGrath is born. (Toronto - Big Daddy)

Monday 18th July: The magazine Out-Takes reports that two 23 year olds, Banky Edwards and Holden McNeil, are enjoying success with their first comic, 37, currently being sold only at Comic Toast in Eden Prairie Mall and Comicology. (Chasing Amy)

Friday 29th July: The Mask, which Cameron Diaz stars in, is released. (Funny People)

August: Charles & Duckface's ill-fated wedding at St Julian's church; Charles and Carrie stand in some rain. (Smithfield, London - Four Weddings and a Funeral)

Wednesday 3rd August: Dana Ellis goes missing. (West Virginia - Wrong Turn)

Monday 5th September: Alvin Straight leaves his home to travel by lawnmower to Mount Zion, Wisconsin, to see his ill brother. (Laurens, Iowa - The Straight Story)

Wednesday 21st September: Dr. Wendell James Spencer, mathematician, dies at the age of 77. (What Lies Beneath)

October: Three media studies students go missing in search of the Blair Witch. (Burkittesville, MD - The Blair Witch Project)

Sunday 9th October: Alvin Straight's lawnmower breaks down a month into his epic journey. (Iowa - The Straight Story)

Sunday 9th October: Walker and Fielding time travel to this date to get McComb. (Washington DC - Timecop)

Monday 10th October: Sarah Fielding has sex with Bobby Morgan after her 16th birthday party. (Colorado - Timecop)

Monday 31st October: Dylan goes as Kris Kross for Halloween. (Los Angeles, California - Friends with Benefits)

Monday 28th November: Jeffrey Dahmer is beaten to death by a fellow inmate while performing cleaning duty in a bathroom. (Portage, Wisconsin - Dahmer)

December: Mathematician John Nash is awarded the Noble Prize for his research in governing dynamics. (Stockholm, Sweden - A Beautiful Mind)

December: Ollie Trinke introduces Gertrude Steiney to his dad and conceives Gertie. (New Jersey - Jersey Girl)

December: Oliver "Ollie" Trinke' meets Gertrude Steiney and they start dating. (New York City - Jersey Girl)

December: Alan Parrish hires Judy and Peter's father for the Parrish Shoe Factory - in one timeline. (Jumanji)

Friday 16th December: Jesse arrives to meet Celine on the train platform; he wanders the city for days then returns to the US. (Vienna Austria - Before Sunrise)

Friday 16th December: Celine attends her grandmother's funeral. (Budapest - Before Sunset)


Eminem raps his way to victory. (8 Mile)

Ace Ventura investigates a stolen dolphin mascot. (Miami Gardens, FL - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective)

Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy are born. (New York City - The Amazing Spider-Man)

Peter Sarsgaard (Burkittesville, MD - The Blair Witch Project)

Lincoln Rhyme's body is almost cut in half when a steel beam falls on top of him while investigating a crime scene in a collapsed tunnel. This leaves him paralysed. (New York City - The Bone Collector)

A year on a box. (The Bounty Hunter)

Marie Helena Kreutz pays her electric bills. (Spain - The Bourne Identity)

Four kids, Evan, Kayleigh, Tommy and Lenny, go off the rails, or on the rails, depending on the timeline. (The Butterfly Effect)

According to Mitzi, this is the year in which she married Marty Huggins. (Pine Crest, North Carolina - The Campaign)

Patrick Patrickson sees a scrunchie. (Swallow Falls - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)

John McClane takes on "Simon" to foil a heist at the Federal Reserve. (New York City, NY - Die Hard: With a Vengeance)

A documentary film crew films the Mount Rose American Teen Princess pageant. It is won by Becky Lehman, who dies when the floats she is on at a parade blows up. (Mount Rose, Minnesota - Drop Dead Gorgeous)

Mary starts working at Reynold's Extract. (Ohio - Extract)

Eric Bottler and Linus see each other for the last time until Halloween 1998. (Fanboys)

Elise Eliot, Brenda Cushman and Annie Paradis form the First Wives Club, to get revenge on their former husbands who abandoned them. (New York - First Wives Club)

Alex quits his job as an accountant and becomes a video game tester. (Grandma's Boy)

Dade Murphy and his hacker friends thwart Eugene "The Plague" Belford's virus, avoiding worldwide ecological disaster. (New York - Hackers)

Julie James gets a Certificate of Achievement for being in the Student Tutor Program. (Southport, North Carolina - I Know What You Did Last Summer)

Dan Thompkins dies. (Jeff, Who Lives at Home)

Gertie Trinke born, and her mother Gertrude dies in childbirth. (New York - Jersey Girl)

Judy and Peter join the 'Jumanji' board-game started 26 years earlier by Alan Parrish and Sarah Whittle. (Jumanji)

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