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Chasing Amy - timeline

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In kindergarten at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School, Holden McNeil and Banky Edwards start a twenty year friendship.


Ten year-old Alyssa Jones falls on a fence-post, breaking her hymen.


September: Alyssa Jones gains the nickname 'Finger Cuffs' after a menage a trois with Cohee Ludin and Rick Derris.


May: At senior prom, Alyssa Jones has a menage a trois in a limo with Gwen Turner and a 26 yr old man.

June: Caitlin Bree, Alyssa Jones and Cohee Lundin graduate from North High School, while Dante Hicks, Randal Graves, Julie Dwyer, Holden McNeil and Banky Edwards graduate from Henry Hudson.


June: Heather Jones and Rene Mosier graduate from North High School, while T.S. Quint, Brodie Bruce, Brandi Svenning, and Gwen Turner graduate from Henry Hudson High School.


January: Silent Bob breaks up with Amy due to his lack of ability to deal with her sexual past.

Thursday 14th April: Alyssa Jones and some friends hold a vigil outside the YMCA for Julie Dwyer.

Monday 18th July: The magazine Out-Takes reports that two 23 year olds, Banky Edwards and Holden McNeil, are enjoying success with their first comic, 37, currently being sold only at Comic Toast in Eden Prairie Mall and Comicology.


Friday 6th January: Holden McNeil and Banky Edwards appear in an article in the Two River Times, which also reports that Brodie Bruce has left The Tonight Show.


April: Holden MacNeil and Banky Edwards attend a comic convention, where Holden meets and falls for Alyssa Jones.


April: Holden McNeil prints a run of his personal comic Chasing Amy.

May: Banky Edwards and Alyssa Jones are guests at a New York comic con, where they are reunited with Holden McNeil.

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