The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

Movie events on the 14th April


Henry Sturgess tells Abraham Lincoln that he could make him immortal, but Lincoln declines and hands his journal to him. He leaves with his wife to go to the opera. (Washington, DC) (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

A half-man, half-fish hybrid is found, and named Abraham. (Hellboy)

President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre. (Washington, D.C.) (National Treasure: Book of Secrets)

Vice President Andrew Johnson receives a note from John Wilkes Booth: "Don't wish to disturb you. Are you at home?" Johnson dismisses it as being from "just another office seeker". (Washington, D.C.) (Tennessee Johnson)

The fashion industry manipulates “the first model/actor” John Wilkes Booth into assassinating President Abraham Lincoln in retaliation for abolishing slavery. (Washington D.C.) (Zoolander)


Titanic hits the iceberg. (Titanic)


George S Patton promoted to General. (Patton)


Richard 'Dick' Hickock and Perry Smith are executed for the murder of the Clutter family, with Truman Capote present. (Kansas) (Capote)


Donald Jacobi is born. (Birmingham, Alabama) (Manhunter)


Karen Johnson checks into Hotel Francis Duke. (Central City) (Hotel for Dogs)


Dale Denton is born. (Clark County) (Pineapple Express)


Donald Jacobi's 12th birthday. (Birmingham, Alabama) (Manhunter)


Soviets sign Geneva Accords. Troops withdraw from Afghanistan. (Charlie Wilson's War)


Alyssa Jones and some friends hold a vigil outside the YMCA for Julie Dwyer. (Chasing Amy)

Caitlin Bree's mother tells her that she has placed a wedding announcement for Caitlin and Sang in the paper. (Clerks)

Brodie Bruce and T.S. Quint hang out at the mall, and are dumped then reunited with Rene Mosier and Brandi Svenning; Brodie is picked up to host The Tonight Show and Willam tries and fails to see a sailboat in a magic eye picture (Mallrats)


MI6 releases statement to the press stating that Elliot Carver died while on a cruise on his yacht in the South China Sea - authorities believe his death to be a suicide. (London, England) (Tomorrow Never Dies)


Jason Bourne's passport in which he uses the name Nicolas expires. (The Bourne Identity)


Cindy gets her driver's license. (Ohio) (Extract)


Clumsy accidentally attaches a blue-moon related project to Pat's email. (New York City, New York) (The Smurfs)


Greg Gaines gets an email from Pittsburgh State University saying they've rescinded his admission to the Class of 2019 due to changes in his academic performance. (Pittsburgh, PA) (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl)

Complete list of movie dates.

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