The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Saturday 17th May: Down-on-his-luck Broadway impressario Jimmy Doyle negotiates a deal with Hollywood producer Sam Otis for the motion picture rights to Doyle's latest musical flop "Rainbow Girl". (Brooklyn, New York - Show Girl in Hollywood)
Wednesday 28th May: Jimmy Doyle, author and producer of the Broadway flop "Rainbow Girl", arrives in Hollywood from New York via train along with John Barrymore, Billie Burke, Delores Costello, Al Jolson and Irving Berlin. Doyle heads straight to the studio to meet with film producer Sam Otis about casting Dixie Dugan in the lead of the film adaptation of "Rainbow Girl". (Hollywood, California - Show Girl in Hollywood)
Wednesday 28th May: Grover Cleveland Alexander plays final Major League Baseball game. (The Winning Team)
Tuesday 17th June: U.S. President Herbert Hoover signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff which raises duties on imports to astronomical heights in hopes of preserving the domestic market for American-made goods. (The Day the Bubble Burst)
Tuesday 17th June: New York District Attorney Jim Wade weds Eleanor Packer, the former lover of his best friend Blackie Gallagher. (New York City, New York - Manhattan Melodrama)
Sunday 14th September: Mobsters blow up a corner general store after the owner refuses to buy any more of their green beer. The bomb kills the store owner and a young girl. (Chicago, Ill - The Untouchables)
Monday 15th September: Elliot Ness' first day on the job is a flop. His first bust yeilds bumberchutes instead of booze, but he receives a free lesson in law enforcement from Malone. (Chicago, Ill - The Untouchables)
Tuesday 16th September: Eliot Ness receives a visit from the mother of the girl who died in the explosion. She thanks him for what he's doing. Ness seeks out Malone in an attempt to recruit him. Malone declines. (Chicago, Ill - The Untouchables)
Wednesday 17th September: Oscar Wallace arrives from the Washington Bureau; Malone changes his mind. He and Ness recruit George Stone from the police academy. (Chicago, Ill - The Untouchables)
Tuesday 30th September: Christine Collins receives a telegram saying that Gordon Northcott would like to tell her the truth about what happened to her son before he is executed. (LA - Changeling)
Wednesday 1st October: Christine Collins meets Gordon Northcott to discover the truth about her son's demise, although Gordon decides not to tell her after all. (Changeling)
Thursday 2nd October: Gordon Northcott is hanged for the murder of twenty children. (Changeling)
Thursday 27th November: Benjamin Button meets Daisy. (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
Thursday 27th November: Benjamin Button meets Daisy. (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
Wednesday 31st December: Jaime Escalante is born. (Bolivia - Stand and Deliver)
George Valentin fires Clifton. (The Artist)
Emmett Brown first reads Jules Verne. (Hill Valley, CA - Back to the Future Part III)
While in prison, Clyde Barrow chops off two of his toes to get out of work detail. Ironically, he would be released 2 weeks later for good behavior. He walked out on crutches. (Texas - Bonnie and Clyde)
After a stint working in a cafe, Bonnie Parker meets Clyde Barrow, who was trying to steal her mother's car, and begins her career in crime. (West Dallas, Tx - Bonnie and Clyde)
Sally Bowles makes a splash on the Berlin cabaret scene. (Berlin, Germany - Cabaret)
Amanda Cobb gets sick. Her son Ezra starts taking care of her. (Deranged)
Apollonia (later to become Corleone) born. (The Godfather)
East of Borneo's cinematic release. (King Kong)
Buddy Deeds born. (Lone Star)
Karen Blixen arrives from Kenya. (Denmark - Out of Africa)
Jody Pearson is born. (Phantasm)
Baldwin 2-8-4 S3-class steam locomotive is made. (The Polar Express)
Wednesday 7th January: A.O. Neville, Australia's Chief Protector of Aborigines, orders the removal of three half-caste girls - Molly, Daisy and Gracie - from their mother's care in Jigalong Camp to the Moore River Native Settlement, 1500 miles away. (Western Australia - Rabbit-Proof Fence)
Saturday 11th April: Dorothy Parker resigns as drama critic for "The New Yorker". (Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle)
Friday 1st May: Ritter & Company, under new president James Duneen, moves to larger, more prestigious offices on the 63rd floor of the new Caledonia Building. (New York City, New York - Behind Office Doors)
Friday 1st May: Herbert Hoover dedicates the Empire State Building. (New York - The Day the Bubble Burst)
Friday 17th July: Ned Devine born. (Ireland - Waking Ned)
Friday 28th August: Jack Flowers born as Giovanni Fiori. (Buffalo, NY - Saint Jack)
Thursday 10th September: Crime boss Salvatore Maranzano is shot and stabbed to death by four men working for Charles "Lucky" Luciano. (New York City - Gangster Wars)
December: Michael Sullivan Jr joins his father for six weeks of assassination and repayment. (Road To Perdition)
Peppy Miller stops George Valentin from committing suicide. They start making musicals. (The Artist)
Howard Hughes branches into aviation. (The Aviator)
Lucy Pevensie is born. (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
movie "It's a Wonderful life": Mistake on this page: Harry Bailey goes to college in 1928, thus graduates in 1932. George and Mary thus are married in 1932 - the day of the bank run. (United States - It's a Wonderful Life)
The Mummy released in cinemas. (King Kong)
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is established. (The Kingdom)
The invading Japanese army found the state of Manchukuo and install Puyi as its ruler. (Manchuria, China - The Last Emperor)
Rayford Gibson and Claude Banks are sentenced to Life for a murder they didn't commit; they are sent to Camp 8 Mississippi. (Mississippi Camp 8 - Life)
Imhotep calls upon Sir Joseph's son Frank and Prof. Pearson, claims that his name is Ardath Bey, a modern Egyptian, and shows them where to dig to find Ankh-es-en-amon's tomb. The archaeologists find the tomb and give the mummy and the treasures to the Cairo Museum. Imhotep finds Helen Grosvenor, who resembles the Princess, and wishes to kill her and mummify her. She is saved when she remembers her past life and prays to the goddess Isis to save her. The prayer causes a ray from the statue of Isis to burst out raising its arm to point a glowing ankh at Bey. He ages and crumbles into dust. Frank then calls Helen back to the world of the living as the Scroll of Thoth burns. (Cairo, Egypt - The Mummy)
Fitzpatrick is born. (Phantasm)
The 20th Phantom is killed by the mercenary Quill. (Bengalla Island - The Phantom)
Royal O'Reilly Tenenbaum born. (The Royal Tenenbaums)
Royal O'Reilly Tenenbaum born. (The Royal Tenenbaums)
Sheryl Melhoff is born. (Tampa, Florida - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Johnny Hooker and Henry Gondorff con Doyle Lonnegan out of half a million dollars. (Chicago, Illinois - The Sting)
Atticus Finch defends Tom Robinson in a rape trial. (To Kill A Mockingbird)
Alien markings are photographed. (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen)
45789 Severin Oaks, which will become a zoo, is built. (Los Angeles, California - We Bought a Zoo)
Saturday 5th March: $3,000 is found missing from the Plain View Bank. The banker's son, Joe Abercrombie Jr., frames one of the clerks, Lee Austen. Austen is convicted on Abercrombie's testimony and spends three years in prison. (Plainview, Kentucky - Life Begins at Forty)
Tuesday 8th March: Joe Abercrombie Jr. and his pal Wally Stevens lose the $3,000 Abercrombie stole from his father's bank betting on horses at Churchill Downs. (Louisville, Kentucky - Life Begins at Forty)
Monday 4th April: Anthony Perkins is born. (New York City, New York - Hitchcock)
Tuesday 12th April: Johnny Dangerously takes over the Dundee Mob, District Attorney Burr dies in a beer commercial, and gun manufacturer makes .88 Magnum for gangsters. (New York, New York - Johnny Dangerously)
Tuesday 19th April: James Bond is born. (England - Diamonds Are Forever)
Friday 27th May: Businessman C.B. Gaerste discovers is mistress, Red Andrews Legendre, has been carrying on under his nose behind his back with Albert the chauffeur. C.B. fires Albert and Red wires her husband Willie Legendre Jr. in Renwood, Ohio, that she wants to come home. (New York City, New York - Red-Headed Woman)
Sunday 5th June: Christy Brown is born with "complications." (Dublin, Ireland - My Left Foot)