The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

Movie events on the 12th April


Jesus leaves Jerusalem with Philip, Peter, Andrew, John and Nathaniel; Judas joins them, and they head north. (King of Kings)


Galileo is convicted of heresy for holding the heretical belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun. (Galileo)


Shaka Zulu and the European settlers eradicate the remaining forces of the Ndwandwe tribe. (South Africa) (Shaka Zulu)


The Battle of Fort Sumter. (Fort Sumter, South Carolina) (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

Johnnie Gray, an engineer for the Western and Atlantic Railroad, guided his locomotive, "The General" into Marietta, Georgia. Marietta was the home of his true love, Annabelle Lee. She waited patiently for his arrival. (Marietta Georgia) (The General)

American Civil War begins; Scarlett O'Hara meets Rhett Butler at the Twelve Oaks party. (Gone with the Wind)


August Carson is born. (Texas) (Texas Chainsaw 3D)


"The Cheat", working as an elevator operator at the H (Monaco) (The Cheat)


Globe & Traveler headline: "'NOT US!' SAYS GERMANY." This newspaper contains a typo claiming it is the 11th of April. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)


Titanic sets sail from Southampton; that night, steerage passenger Jack Dawson meets First Class passenger Rose Dewitt Bukater. (Titanic)


Johnny Dangerously takes over the Dundee Mob, District Attorney Burr dies in a beer commercial, and gun manufacturer makes .88 Magnum for gangsters. (New York, New York) (Johnny Dangerously)


Andy Garcia is born. (Havana, Cuba) (Little Fockers)


Preston Blake has sex with a cleaning lady named Consuela Lopez. (New York City, New York) (Mr. Deeds)


First Manned Space Flight, Yuri Gagarin. (Soviet Union) (The Right Stuff)


Herbert Porter gets 30 days for lying to the FBI. (All the President's Men)


Floyd Lawton, who will later be known as Deadshot, is born. (Gotham, New Jersey) (Suicide Squad)


Francis Dolarhyde sets Freddy Lounds on fire and pushes his wheelchair towards the National Tattler building. (Chicago, IL) (Red Dragon)


A clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic is interviewed at Baltimore County Hospital and says, "...5 billion people will die from a deadly virus in 1997...The survivors will abandon the surface of the planet...Once again the animals will rule the world..." (Baltimore, Maryland) (Twelve Monkeys)


The body Paris Carver, wife of media mogul Elliot Carver, is found in a hotel room with the body of an unidentified man. (Hamburg, Germany) (Tomorrow Never Dies)


The next morning, Mike gets Jane to babysit a frustrated Abby as he goes back to Freddy's and takes some sleeping pills. The children appear in his dream again and tell him that he can stay with Garrett forever in exchange for Abby; Mike initially accepts, but when he changes his mind, he is attacked. After being strapped to the device that killed the previous guard and narrowly escaping, Mike is cornered and injured by Foxy. Meanwhile, a damaged yellow Freddy animatronic (Golden Freddy), possessed by the leader of the children, presumably kills Jane and takes Abby back to the pizzeria. Vanessa treats Mike's injuries and reveals that she is the daughter of William Afton, the serial killer who kidnapped and murdered the five children and Garrett. He hid their bodies in the animatronics, knowing the police would never search them, and their souls are under his control. Realizing that the animatronics plan to kill Abby and have her join them, Mike rushes to the restaurant. The animatronics are defeated, but are reactivated by Steve Raglan, who arrives wearing the "yellow rabbit" suit, and reveals himself to be William. Knowing the animatronics like drawings, Abby draws a picture of William murdering the children in order to free them from his influence and make them realize the truth. Vanessa attempts to stop her father, but he stabs her. When the animatronics see Abby's drawing, they turn on William. Mr. Cupcake bites off part of William's suit, triggering its internal springlock mechanisms, which fatally wound him. As they drag him away, Mike and Abby carry Vanessa out of the restaurant, who later falls into a coma and is hospitalized (Five Nights at Freddy's)


A monolith is found on Jupiter. (2001: A Space Odyssey)


Navy marksmen from DEVGRU open fire and kill the three pirates on the lifeboat, and Phillips is rescued in good condition.[ (Mombasa, Kenya) (Captain Phillips)

People reflect on the events that took place in Washington D.C. (USA) (Eagle Eye)


Olive gets more attention at school and gets in trouble when she calls another girl a "twat". (Ojai, California) (Easy A)


Laura Barns commits suicide after an embarrassing video of her is uploaded to YouTube (Fresno, California) (Unfriended)

The RIP Laura Barns Facebook page is created in memory of her passing (Fresno, California) (Unfriended)

Complete list of movie dates.

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