The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

Texas Chainsaw 3D mistakes

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Texas Chainsaw 3D - timeline

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12th April: August Carson is born. (Texas)


31st October: Annabelle Carson is born. (Texas)


Friday 8th March: Benjamin Carson is born. (Texas)


Clarissa, future wife of Drayton Sawyer Sr. and mother of Dreyton Jr., Jeb, Carrie, and Dunkin, and Henry Sawyer, is born. (Newt, Texas)


Drayton Sawyer is born. (Newt, Texas)

Saturday 17th January: Drayton Sawyer, future father of Jedidiah, Loretta, Drayton Jr., Dunkin, and Henry Sawyer, is born. (Newt, Texas)


Sunday 18th July: Verna Carson is born. (Newt, Texas)

Sunday 18th July: Verna Carson is born. (Newt, Texas)


Allie, future mother of Tubbs Sawyer, is born. (Newt, Texas)


Mikey "Bigs" Sawyer is born. (Newt, Texas)


Wednesday 12th December: August Carson dies. (Newt, Texas)


Loretta Sawyer is born. (Newt, Texas)


Tubbs Sawyer, son of Harry Sawyer, is born. (Newt, Texas)


Bubba Sawyer is born. (Newt, Texas)

Thursday 10th May: Annabelle Carson dies. (Newt, Texas)


License plate number AF-5468 expires. (Newt, Texas)


Dreyton Sawyer is born. (Newt, Texas)


July: Car license plate number UTW-582 expires. (Texas)

Friday 17th August: According to a referral/consultation report, this is the date on which Sally Hardesty and her friends are attacked by the Sawyer family. (Newt, Texas)

Saturday 18th August: According to a typo on a referral/consultation report, this is the date on which Sally Hardesty arrived at the sherriff's office after escaping the Sawyers. (Newt, Texas)

Sunday 19th August: Sheriff Hooper arrives at the Sawyer house and asks Drayton Sawyer to bring Leatherface out. Burt Hartman leads townsfolk in burning down the Sawyer house with Bear Sawyer, Boss Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Grandpa Sawyer, and Loretta Sawyer inside. That night, Arlene and Gavin Miller find and keep Loretta's baby Edith Rose Sawyer. A picture of the arsonists is taken for the Newt Times newspaper. (Newt, Texas)

Monday 20th August: Newt Times newspaper with the typo "Sunday August 19" details the Texas Chain Saw Massacre and the attack on the Sawyer family. (Newt, Texas)

Tuesday 21st August: The Sawyer file is written at the police station. (Newt, Texas)

Tuesday 21st August: The Sawyer file is written. (Newt, Texas)


February: In mid-February, auditors advise federal and state officials whether their recommendations will be accepted. (Texas)


Thursday 9th September: Benjamin Carson dies. (Newt, Texas)


June: Verna Sawyer-Carson gets sick. She shows her grandson Jedediah "Jed" Sawyer, also known as Leatherface, to her lawyer, Farnsworth. (Newt, Texas)

Saturday 29th September: Verna Sawyer-Carson dies. (Newt, Texas)

Saturday 29th September: Verna Sawyer-Carson dies. (Newt, Texas)

Saturday 20th October: Around this time, Heather Miller receives a letter informing her that her biological grandmother, Verna Sawyer-Carson, died three weeks earlier.

Tuesday 30th October: Against her foster parents' wishes, Heather decides to drive to her grandmother's home in Newt, Texas. She is accompanied by her boyfriend Ryan and her friends Nikki and Kenny. They pick up a hitch-hiker named Darryl at a gas station along the way.

Wednesday 31st October: Heather and her friends arrive at Verna's mansion. Leatherface kills the thief Darryl, Kenny, and Ryan. Mayor Hartman sends Officer Marvin to the house. Marvin accidentally shoots Nikki to death and is killed by Leatherface. Burt's son, Deputy Carl Hartman, ties Heather up in a slaughterhouse, but Leatherface frees her when he finds out that she is his cousin. When Heather hears Leatherface being beaten, she helps him by giving him his chainsaw and by killing Officer Ollie with a pitchfork. Sheriff Hooper lets Leatherface put Burt in the meat grinder. Heather and Leatherface go home, where Heather reads a letter from Verna saying that Jedidiah Sawyer will protect her. (Newt, Texas)

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