The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

Movie history events from 1875

A man who becomes the nineteenth Santa Claus is born. (Arthur Christmas)

Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown. (Back to the Future Part II)

Black slave Cassie Brown murders the three white children in her charge. (C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America)

18 year-old Tristan Thorn goes through the wall to catch a fallen star to deliver to his beloved Victoria; an evil witch chases after the star, Evaine, as do the few remaining princes to discover who will be the next king. (Wall) (Stardust)

14th January: Albert Schweitzer is born (Haut-Rhin, France) (Schweitzer)

3rd June: Georges Bizet dies. (Paris, France) (The Doors)

20th June: Mountain man Joe Meek dies. (Oregon) (Bridger)

31st October: Annabelle Carson is born. (Texas) (Texas Chainsaw 3D)

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