The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one
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Back to the Future Part II - timeline
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Gray's, future publishers of a Sports Almanac, is founded.
Friday 26th March: Biff Tannen born.
Lorraine Baines born.
Friday 1st April: George McFly born.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Saturday 12th November: In College football, UCLA narrowly defeated Washington, 19-17; Michigan State over Minnesota, 42-14; Ohio State doubled up Iowa, 20-10; Michigan blanked Indiana, 30-0. It was Notre Dame over North Carolina, 27-7; West Virginia lost to Pittsburgh, 26-7; it was Texas A&M 20, Rice, 10; Maryland beat Clemson, 25-12; Texas Christian got by Texas, 27-20 and Oklahoma ripped Iowa State, 52-0. Boomer Sooner!
Saturday 12th November: Old Biff arrives from the year 2015 to give his younger self a copy of "Gray's Sports Almanac," which launches young Biff into a life of fast money & fast women. Or not. (Hill Valley, Ca)
Sunday 13th November: The Hill Valley Women's Club held a bake sale from 2-5 pm at the Community Center on Forest Rd. (Hill Valley, Ca)
Wednesday 16th November: Marty McFly travels through time again, this time back to 1885.
Biff Tannen wins money on his first horse-race, aged, 21 - in one timeline.
Wednesday 26th March: In one timeline, Biff Tannen wins his first million on a horse race.
In one timeline, Biff Tannen named 'The Luckiest Man on Earth'.
Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown.
Thursday 15th March: George McFly wins a writing award, or is killed, depending on the timeline. (Hill Valley, CA)
Biff Tannen successfully lobbies to legalise gambling, in one timeline.
Vintage water bottle is made.
Sunday 22nd May: Doc Brown commended/committed, depending on the timeline.
Griff Tannen born.
Tuesday 6th November: The United States elects a female president.
Saturday 10th October: Chicago Cubs win World Series for the first time since 1908, and Marty, Jennifer and Doc arrive from 1985.
Wednesday 21st October: Marty Mcfly goes into the future to help save his son from Biff's grandson