The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies

Movie history events from 1949

Howard Hunt begins working for the CIA. (All the President's Men)

Benjamin L. Willard goes to Harvard University. (Cambridge, Massachusetts) (Apocalypse Now)

Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown. (Back to the Future Part II)

Dahlia, her sister, and her mother are expelled and live in a desert refugee camp. (Black Sunday)

Future army conscript William Avery and future Bobby Kennedy presidential campaign volunteers Wade, Dwayne, Jimmy and Cooper are born. (Bobby)

As his family drives across the desert, young Jim sees a Native American dying by the roadside. (New Mexico) (The Doors)

Mr Merrin is approached at a coffee shop in Cairo to head an archaeological dig in Kenya where there is a buried church. (Cairo, Egypt) (Exorcist: The Beginning)

Victor Rizzi born, Don Vito's grandchild. (The Godfather)

Julia Child goes to France. (Julie & Julia)

Eve Swannell is born. (New York City, New York) (Kick-Ass 2)

Norman Bates kills his mother Norma and her new lover with strychnine. It is believed that Norma's body is buried at Greenlawn Cemetery, but Norman keeps the corpse in the motel and emulates her personality. (Kern County, California) (Psycho)

Norman Bates poisons his mother and her husband Chet Rudolph. (Kern County, California) (Psycho IV: The Beginning)

Ray Robinson (later Charles) first earns money playing jazz. (Ray)

The roof of the licence-plate factory is re-tarred at Shawshank prison. (The Shawshank Redemption)

Eric Lensher immigrates to America, sees the Statue of Liberty for the first time. (New York) (X-Men)

Thursday 20th January: Truman announces Point Four program. (Truman)

Tuesday 8th February: Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty is convicted of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment by the Communist People's Court. (Hungary) (Guilty of Treason)

Wednesday 9th February: Shakka Holland, alias Shakka Kupor is born of wealthy parents; a spoiled woman who kills without provocation. (Tangiers, Morocco) (Nighthawks)

Thursday 12th May: Berlin Blockade lifted. (Berlin) (The Big Lift)

Friday 20th May: Clinton Brown is born. (Courageous)

Monday 6th June: George Orwell's "1984" is published. (The Road to 1984)

Wednesday 8th June: FBI report names Hollywood figures as Communists. (Hoover)

Sunday 19th June: Albert R. Miller is born. (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) (Cast Away)

Wednesday 3rd August: Diane Huber born. (Bobby)

Wednesday 10th August: Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Bill, which establishes the Department of Defense. (Truman)

Monday 15th August: Nicholas Lundy, veteran of two wars, father of nine children, drowns. (Caspian Sea) (The Royal Tenenbaums)

Sunday 16th October: In an act of loyalty to the Yamamori Family, Shozo Hiirono guns down Yakuza boss Kiyoshi Doi in the streets of Hiroshima; abandoned by everything and everyone, his only path is to go back to prison. (Hiroshima, Japan) (The Yakuza Papers)

Monday 17th October: Barbara Hummel, wife of General Francis Hummel, born. (The Rock)

Wednesday 26th October: Harry Allen tries to mercifully murder his wife, Pat, by mixing the darkroom developing chemical altrapeine into her antacid medication, later discovering his mistress, Kay, is dumping him after being carefully seduced by his best friend, Richard Langley. (USA) (Married Life)

Saturday 17th December: Hiroshi Wakasugi, Doi Family Captain, kills Seiichi Kanbara gangland-style for betraying his bloodbrother, Shozo Hirono; Wakasugi is killed in a gun battle with police later that night. (Japan) (The Yakuza Papers)

Tuesday 27th December: Department of Defense, Office of Public Information Bulletin 629-49 regarding item 6700 extract 75,131 reads, "The Air Force discontinues investigating and evaluating reported flying saucers on the basis that there is no evidence. The Air Force said that all evidence indicates that the reports of unidentified flying objects are a result of: 1) misinterpretation of various conventional objects 2) a mild form of mass hysteria 3) they are jokes. (Washington, DC) (The Thing From Another World)

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