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Julia Child goes to France.


Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child is released.


Sunday 11th August: Julie Powell makes her first blog post in making every recipe from Julia Child's first cookbook

Tuesday 13th August: Julie Powell makes her first of 500 Julia Child dishes in 365 days - artichokes in hollandaise sauce

Saturday 24th August: Julie Powell learns how to cook mushrooms properly, and begins to spend large amounts at the supermarket, including a small tree.

Wednesday 18th September: Julie Powell receives her first blog comment, from her mother telling her to give up.


Friday 24th January: Julie Powell breaks down in tears at the prospect of cooking with aspics.

Wednesday 5th February: Julie Powell has a row with her husband after a famous book editor fails to make it to dinner, after Julie has made two boeuf bourgignons.

Tuesday 12th August: Julia Powell bones a duck, cooking the 500th and final recipe from Julia Child's cookbook.

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