The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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Dahlia stops living at the refugee camp after eight years. (Gaza, Pelestine - Black Sunday)

Lionel Pritchard and his girlfriend Paquita battle a horde of zombies. (New Zealand - Braindead)

Casey Jr. Cookiees is established. (A Bug's Life)

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard gives birth to her daughter Carolyn, who will become a werewolf. (Collinsport, Maine - Dark Shadows)

Michael Myers born. (Halloween)

Indiana Jones meets Mutt Williams and Dr. Irina Spalko and is reunited with Marion Ravenwood, all while attemtping to thwart a Soviet plot to uncover and use a mysterious artefact known as the crystal skull. (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

Indy and Dr Inna Spalko find the remains of alien life in Roswell. (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

The Iron Giant. (The Iron Giant)

Scientists, from Labcentral try to stop a giant rampaging engery stealing robot from another planet. (Los Alamos, New Mexico - Kronos)

Lana Turner meets Johnny Stompanato. (Los Angeles - LA Confidential)

Pete Shotton and John are photographed. The Quarrymen are photographed. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

October Sky. (October Sky)

Dutch is born. (The Omega Man)

Dolores Kinnerly is born. (New Orleans, Louisianna - Runaway Jury)

Nutter's Feed opens. (USA - The X-Files: I Want to Believe)

Thursday 10th January: Sam Barrows, future cyber thief, born. (Delaware - Untraceable)

Tuesday 15th January: Mario Van Peebles is born. (Mexico City, Mexico - Baadasssss!)

Monday 28th January: The United Nations opens debate on the French/Algerian Question. (New York, NY - The Battle of Algiers)

Tuesday 29th January: The FNL calls for a seven-day general strike for all Arab Algerians. (Algiers, Algeria - The Battle of Algiers)

April: Stratogirl sucked into a jet turbine. (The Incredibles)

Friday 12th April: Preston Blake has sex with a cleaning lady named Consuela Lopez. (New York City, New York - Mr. Deeds)

May: John Lennon gets in trouble for being rebellious in school. (Liverpool, England - In His Life: The John Lennon Story)

Wednesday 1st May: Mark Whitacre is born. (Morrow, Ohio - The Informant!)

Thursday 2nd May: Joseph McCarthy dies. (Bethesda, Maryland - Tail Gunner Joe)

Tuesday 18th June: Paul McCartney turns 15 years old. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

July: Jason Voorhees purportedly drowns in Crystal Lake when the counselors are having sex - no body is found. (Friday the 13th)

Friday 5th July: Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra divorce. (The Rat Pack)

Saturday 6th July: John Lennon meets Paul McCartney and asks him to join The Quarrymen. (Liverpool, England - In His Life: The John Lennon Story)

Saturday 6th July: John Lennon meets Paul McCartney. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

August: Ben & May Parker are married. (Queens, NY - Spider-Man 3)

Wednesday 7th August: Oliver Hardy dies. (North Hollywood, California - Sunset)

Tuesday 20th August: Sharon Dobbs born. (USA - Untraceable)

September: Junkins' brother buys a car, later named Christine. (Christine)

September: Future Mrs. Moore is born. (New York City, New York - Kick-Ass 2)

Friday 4th October: Sputnik One launched, starting the Space Race. (Soviet Union - The Right Stuff)

Wednesday 9th October: John Lennon argues with his mother. His aunt tells him about the day she "stole" him. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

Thursday 10th October: John wakes up on a bench after being out all night and speaks to his aunt at the cemetery. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

Saturday 19th October: Michael Myers is born. (Haddonfield, Illinois - Halloween: Resurrection)

Friday 1st November: Rosalie Marie Auguste Nitribitt is found dead in her apartment. Murdered by strangulation and a head wound. (Frankfurt, Germany - The Girl Rosemarie)

Sunday 3rd November: A dog named "Laika" is the first living being to orbit the earth. (Moscow, Russia - Hanna)

Saturday 16th November: Edward Gein murders his last victim Bernice Worden. (Plainfield, Wisconsin - In the Light of the Moon)

Monday 9th December: John Edward Gammell is born. (San Francisco, California - Memento)

Tuesday 24th December: Children board the Polar Express in the middle of the night and head to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus (North Pole - The Polar Express)

Tuesday 31st December: While Ron Franz is stationed in Okinawa, he loses his wife and son to a drunk driver in the States. (Into the Wild)


Biff Tannen wins money on his first horse-race, aged, 21 - in one timeline. (Back to the Future Part II)

Noah McManus sees three mobsters murder his father. With the help of his friend Louie, he gets revenge by killing those mobsters. He continues killing more. (New York City - The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day)

The Confederate States Department of Education produce the information video series 'Why We Fought' (C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America)

Christine chomps off hand of assembly plant worker with her hood and kills a supervisor. (Detroit, Michigan - Christine)

The Dodgers move away from Brooklyn and become the Los Angeles Dodgers. (Field of Dreams)

Attempt on Michael Corleone's life; Tom Hagen takes temporary control of the Corleones. (The Godfather: Part II)

Edna Buxton, originally slated to sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" at the McMartin Singing competition, sings "Hey There" instead. She wins the competition. (Pennsylvania - Grace of My Heart)

Hitler actually dies, World War II actually ends. (Hellboy)

Mark Kelly is born. (New York City, New York - Kick-Ass 2)

The Village Folk Ensemble are formed by Chuck Wiseman, George Menschell, Bill Wayburn, Fred Knox and Ramblin' Sandy Pitnick. (Greenwich Village, New York - A Mighty Wind)

The quarter that Anton Chigurh flips at the gas station is minted. (No Country For Old Men)

George Harrison, John Lennon, and Paul McCartney are photographed. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

Bill Lumbergh is born (Office Space)

David and Jennifer arrive in the fictional world of Pleasantville, and slowly change it from black-and=white to colour. (Pleasantville)

Modern teens unleash the vengeful spirit of a disfigured boy who was murdered by teens in 1958. (United States - Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings)

Paul Stallberg is born. (Saw)

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