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C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America - timeline
Judah P. Benjamin, future supporter of Confederacy, is born.
Dr Samuel A. Cartwright writes "Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race", in which he describes Drapetomania as a prevalent but curable condition in runaway slaves.
January: Most of the American South believe the election of Republican president Abraham Lincoln would terminate their ownership of black slaves, and so Jefferson Davies of Mississippi is elected president of a provisional government.
9th April: General Ulysses S Grant surrendered to General Robert E Lee. (just outside Washington D.C.)
Black slave Cassie Brown murders the three white children in her charge.
John Fauntroy, the father of modern slavery, receives the Democratic nomination for president of the Confederate States of America.
Presidential nominee John Fauntroy, the father of modern slavery, dies.
Judah P. Benjamin, supporter of Confederacy, dies.
The Christian Reform Act outlaws any religion in America not based on Christianity.
July: Confederate soldiers attempt to unite north and south with victories over the Spanish in Cuba and Caribbean and into Mexico.
Canadian women get the right to vote.
The hunt for a blacked-up Abraham Lincoln is chronicled in D.W.Griffith's silent film The Hunt For Dishonest Abe.
The film 'The Dark Jungle' is released in cinemas, covering the Confederate expansion of America in the early 20th century.
The film 'I Married An Abolitionist' is released in cinemas.
The Confederate States Department of Education produce the information video series 'Why We Fought'
President-elect John F Kennedy, the first president from the north since the War of Northern Aggression, looks to ban slavery, while fighting the Cold War in Canada. (CSA)