The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies

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Paula Schultz is born. (Texas - Kill Bill: Volume 2)

Jean Valjean, now mayor, sees Javert again. He meets Fantine. He promises to take care of her daughter Cosette after she dies. (Montreuil, France - Les Miserables)

20th March: Ned Buntline is born. (Stamford, New York - Buffalo Bill)


The first European settlers land on the shores of Port Natal. (Port Natal, South Africa - Shaka Zulu)

The Presidential election of 1824. (United States - Swing Vote)

1st January: James K. Polk marries Sarah Childress. (Murfreesboro, Tennessee - The Monroe Doctrine)

7th November: Shaka cedes Port Natal to the European settlers, giving them full rights to the ivory, rivers, mines and articles contained therein. (South Africa - Shaka Zulu)


Alex O'Connor born. (The Mummy Returns)

General Custer builds a house. (Sacramento, CA - Step Brothers)

15th July: Reuben Cogburn is born. (True Grit)


An African-American slave named Adney is born. (Django Unchained)

5th February: Millard Fillmore marries Abigail Powers. (Moravia, New York - The Monroe Doctrine)


Abraham Lincoln's attempt to kill Jack Barts backfires when he discovers that he is a vampire. Henry Sturgess saves him and trains him to become a vampire hunter. (Pigeon Creek, Indiana - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

An African-American slave named Nelley is born. (Django Unchained)

Sarah Smooth dies. (The Roost)

26th March: Ludwig van Beethoven dies, and among his belongings are found the letters to the "Immortal Beloved", her real identity never been discovered. (Vienna, Austria - Immortal Beloved)

12th April: Shaka Zulu and the European settlers eradicate the remaining forces of the Ndwandwe tribe. (South Africa - Shaka Zulu)

17th May: Andrew Johnson marries Eliza McCardle. (Warrenton, Tennessee - The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd)


An African-American slave named Addison is born. (Django Unchained)

Shaka Zulu is assassinated by his half-brother and general. (South Africa - Shaka Zulu)

28th October: Ellen Robillard (later Ellen O'Hara) born. (Gone with the Wind)


An African-American slave named Lucy is born. (Django Unchained)

27th February: Edmond Dantes escapes from the Chateau d'If. (France - The Count of Monte Cristo)

5th October: Chester A. Arthur is born. (North Fairfield, Vermont - Cattle King)

20th October: Mr. Edward Rochester marries Bertha Antoinetta, not knowing that she is mentally unstable. The marriage was arranged by their families. (England - Jane Eyre)

20th October: Mr Edward Rochester marries Bertha Antoinetta, not knowing that she is mentally unstable. The marriage was arranged by their families. (England - Jane Eyre)


28th May: Mac Curby Bell is born. (Night of the Living Dead 3D)


African-American slaves named Broomhilda Von Shaft and Lewis are born. (Django Unchained)

Charles Adare tries to make good fortune. (Sydney, Australia - Under Capricorn)

25th April: The play "The Lion of the West" opens. (New York City - The Alamo)

4th July: James Monroe dies of a heart failure. (New York - The Monroe Doctrine)


A revolution takes place. (Paris, France - Les Miserables)

Ben Gate's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather takes Charles Carrol to see Andrew Jackson. (Washington, DC - National Treasure)

5th June: Students in Paris prepare for war against the monarchy (Paris, France - Les Miserables)

14th November: Charles Carroll dies en route to see President Andrew Jackson. (Baltimore, Maryland - National Treasure)


20th August: Benjamin Harrison is born. (North Bend, Ohio - Stars and Stripes Forever)


Helen Burns, Jane Eyre's best childhood friend, dies from TB leaving Jane devastated. (England - Jane Eyre)

24th March: John Wesley Powell is born. (Palmyra, New York - Ten Who Dared)

14th August: Richard Henry Dana begins his two-year stint as a seaman. (Boston, Massachusetts - Two Years Before the Mast)

19th November: Franklin Pierce marries Jane Means Appleton. (Amherst, New Hampshire - The Great Moment)


Louise Ricks is born. (Offspring)

Orphan Oliver Twist meets Fagan and his gang. (Oliver)

15th February: Alexander Stewart Webb is born. (New York City - Gettysburg)

8th March: Frank Ross is born. (True Grit)

29th June: William Travis prepares for war with Mexico. (The Alamo)


The town of Virgil, Texas is incorporated. (Virgil, Texas - True Stories)

23rd February: Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie head a stand-off between Texans and Tejanos. (The Alamo)

6th March: The siege of the Alamo ends. (The Alamo)

21st April: General Sam Houston defeats Santa Anna's army at the Battle of San Jacinto. (The Alamo)

28th June: James Madison dies. (Montpelier estate, Virginia - Servant of the People: The Story of the Constitution of the United States)

24th December: Jacob Marley dies. (London - A Christmas Carol)


Abraham Lincoln starts working for shopkeeper Joshua Speed. (Springfield, Illinois - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

Victoria crowned Queen of England. (Mrs. Brown)

18th March: Grover Cleveland is born. (Caldwell, New Jersey - The Monroe Doctrine)

17th June: Union Colonel Strong Vincent is born. (Waterford, Pennsylvania - Gettysburg)

20th June: It has pleased Almighty God to release from his sufferings his most excellent and gracious Sovereign King William IV. His Majesty expired in Windsor Castle at 12 minutes past 2 o'clock A.M. this day. The Princess Alexandrina Victoria is awakened at Kensington Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury and informed that she is now Queen of England. (England - Victoria the Great)

21st June: Proclamation Day. From the balcony of St. James Palace, the 18-year-old Royal Princess Victoria is officially proclaimed Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and Defender of the Faith. Queen Victoria formally acknowledges her desire to retain Prime Minister Lord Melbourne and his Ministry at the Head of Affairs. (London England - Victoria the Great)

28th June: Coronation Day. Queen Victoria is crowned the Undoubted Queen of the Realm in Westminster Abbey. (London England - Victoria the Great)

10th October: Robert Gould Shaw is born. (Boston, Massachusetts - Glory)


The Count of Monte Cristo arrives in a lavish balloon. (Paris - The Count of Monte Cristo)

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