The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid
Offspring - timeline
Louise Ricks is born.
Libby Cook is born.
Burgess Cook is born.
Agnes Cook is born.
23rd January: Around this time, no landing can be made on the island for the next five weeks due to bad weather. The Cook family, which has gone missing, begins to starve. (Bangor, Maine)
20th February: Captain Warren of Booth Bay finds the only survivor of the Cook family, Libby, around this time. (Bangor, Maine)
27th February: A newspaper article titled "LIGHT KEEPER, FAMILY MISSING" is published. It focuses on the Cook family. (Bangor, Maine)
23rd June: A newspaper article titled "REMAINS IDENTIFIED" is published. (Portland, Maine)
Jeremy Alex is born.
Sunday 13th July: Louise Ricks is found murdered in the coastal Kennerbunkpart home she shared with her granddaughter, Dorothy Ricks, and great-granddaughter, Maria Ricks. (Rockland, Maine)
Monday 14th July: A newspaper article titled "GRANDMOTHER MURDERED, GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER MISSING" is published. It is about the Ricks family. The newspaper mistakenly says Friday. (Rockland, Maine)
Sunday 13th January: Jeremy Alex is last seen running down a rural Cape Elizabeth road at dawn in a delusional state. (Machias, Maine)
Wednesday 20th February: A newspaper article titled "MAN STILL MISSING" is published. It is about Jeremy Alex. (Machias, Maine)
Monday 2nd July: A woman goes missingat Old Orchard Beach. (Portland, Maine)
Monday 30th July: Sherman tells reporters that the U.S. is seeking joint action in regards to the U.N. blockade to China being pushed.
Monday 6th August: A newspaper article titled "REMAINS IDENTIFIED IN WOODS" is published. (Portland, Maine)
Jesse Hoover is born.
Friday 29th May: James Cassidy, Branch Manager of Brookline, Massachusetts Trust Company Bank, is found burned to death in his Chrysler station wagon. (Indian River, Maine)
Wednesday 3rd June: A newspaper article titled "MURDERED BROOKLINE MAN" is published.
Monday 28th September: Jesse hoover hikes along the coastline with her sister Lisa. (Maine)
Tuesday 29th September: Jesse goes out on her own against Lisa's advice. (Maine)
Thursday 1st October: A newspaper article titled "ST. JOHN HIKER REPORTED MISSING" is published.
Friday 1st June: A newspaper article titled "HITHHIKER REMAINS FOUND ROUTE 9" is published.
Douglas Chapman is born. (Quebec, Canada)
Monday 15th May: At 10 A.M., Ruth Chapman reports her son Douglas missing. (Rockland, Maine)
Tuesday 16th May: A newspaper article titled "Rockland Police Comb Beach for Missing Quebec Boy" is published. (Rockland, Maine)