The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
Movie events on the 13th January
Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God. (National Treasure)
Wyatt Earp dies. (Los Angeles, California) (Wyatt Earp)
Jeremy Alex is last seen running down a rural Cape Elizabeth road at dawn in a delusional state. (Machias, Maine) (Offspring)
Arthur "Doc" Barker is killed while trying to escape from prison. (Alcatraz Prison) (Bloody Mama)
James Joyce dies. (Zurich, Switzerland) (Nora)
Johnny Cash performs at Fulsome Prison. (Represa, CA) (Walk the Line)
U.S. President Richard M. Nixon announces that 70,000 U.S. troops will leave South Vietnam over the next three months, (Nixon)
Bourne kills Treadstone agents and escapes. (The Bourne Identity)
Lt. Gen. Paulsen meets with Eric Byer. An unmanned drone is deployed to Alaska to kill Number Three and Aaron Cross. Cross gets away. (The Bourne Legacy)