The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid
Movie events on the 18th June
15,000 British troops under General Sir Henry Clinton evacuate Philadelphia. (Yorktown)
Napoleon Bonaparte suffers defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington. (Waterloo, Belgium) (Napoleon)
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain is wounded. (Petersburg, Virginia) (Gettysburg)
An American abroad in China, Allen Turner, is urgently summoned home to the U.S. by his father, forcing him to make the difficult decision to leave behind his pregnant Chinese wife, Lotus Flower. (China) (The Toll of the Sea)
Paul McCartney is born. (Liverpool, England) (Backbeat)
Paul McCartney turns 15 years old. (Liverpool, England) (Nowhere Boy)
John Lennon and Cavern Club DJ Bob Wooler are in a punch up during Paul McCartney's 21st birthday. (Liverpool, England) (In His Life: The John Lennon Story)
Captain Willard assassinates a government tax collector. (Vietnam) (Apocalypse Now)
McLovin's ID is issued. (Honolulu, Hawaii) (Superbad)
Oakland Athletics have won 38 games and lost 31 games by this time. (Moneyball)
A quartet of theives disguised as former First Ladies steals $10 million from the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino. (Las Vegas, Nv) (Domino)