The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
The Royal Tenenbaums - timeline
24th August: Nicholas Lundy born.
Helen O'Reilly born.
Royal O'Reilly Tenenbaum born.
Royal O'Reilly Tenenbaum born.
Monday 15th August: Nicholas Lundy, veteran of two wars, father of nine children, drowns. (Caspian Sea)
Helen O'Reilly Tenenbaum, mother of Royal Tenenbaum, dies.
Rachael Evans born.
Colby General Hospital closes.
Saturday 23rd September: Etheline Tenenbaum writes a check for $187.00 made out to "Cash" for her son Chas.
Rachael Evans Tenenbaum, wife of Chas Tenenbaum and mother of Ari and Uzi, dies in a plane crash. Chas, Ari, Uzi, and their dog Buckley survive.
Royal Tenenbaum dies.
Royal O'Reilly Tenenbaum dies of a heart attack at, according the narrator, age 68. His gravestone says he "died tragically rescuing his family from the wreckage of a destroyed sinking battleship."