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Jack Byrnes traces his ancestry back to this year.


Thursday 12th April: Andy Garcia is born. (Havana, Cuba)


Randy Weir is in the trade.


Jack Byrnes' clearances are no longer active.


August: Henry and Samantha Focker are born.


The beginning year on Andi Garcia's license plate.


Thursday 26th November: Jack Byrnes wonders why people only have roasted turkey once a year.


The ending year on Andi Garcia's license plate.

Saturday 27th March: Article titled "Andrykowski Travel Insurance: Experience Chicago Now" is posted online. (Chicago, Illinois)

August: Jack Byrnes suspects Greg Focker of cheating on his daughter.

September: The Pfofsten convention takes place. (Maui, Hawaii)

Friday 24th December: The Byrnes' and the Fockers spend Christmas Eve with each other.

Saturday 25th December: The Byrnes' and the Fockers spend Christmas with each other.

Sunday 26th December: The last day of the weekend that the Byrnes' and the Fockers spend with each other.

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