The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid
Changeling - timeline
Walter Collins born.
James E Davis becomes Chief of Police (LA)
Friday 9th March: Walter Collins gets into a fight at school. (LA)
Saturday 10th March: Christine Collins returns home from an extra shift at the telephone company to discover her adolescent son, Walter, is missing. (Los Angeles, California)
Saturday 10th March: Walter Collins goes missing. (LA)
Sunday 25th March: Rev Gustav Briegleb preaches against police corruption. (LA)
Tuesday 3rd April: Christine Collins relentlessly makes phone calls to trace her son's whereabouts. (LA)
Saturday 18th August: A child is found matching Walter Collins' description. (Illinois)
Monday 20th August: Christine Collins is told that her son has been found in Illinois. (LA)
Saturday 15th September: Christine Collins is incarcerated in a mental asylum for refusing to accept a returned child as her son. Gordon Northcott's brother confesses that he helped Gordon kill 20 children. (LA)
Thursday 20th September: Gordon Northcott arrives at his sister's house. (Canada)
Wednesday 24th October: A demonstration takes place against police corruption, following the wrongful incarceration of Christine Collins. (LA)
Tuesday 30th September: Christine Collins receives a telegram saying that Gordon Northcott would like to tell her the truth about what happened to her son before he is executed. (LA)
Wednesday 1st October: Christine Collins meets Gordon Northcott to discover the truth about her son's demise, although Gordon decides not to tell her after all.
Thursday 2nd October: Gordon Northcott is hanged for the murder of twenty children.
Wednesday 27th February: Missing child David Clay is found alive and well.