The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

Movie events on the 28th August


Union General Alfred Terry is promoted from Brigadier General to Major General of the United State Volunteers . (The Legend of Custer)


King Cetshwayo, the last great ruler of Zululand, is captured by the British following his defeat in the British-Zulu War. (Zulu Dawn)


Last Chicago Golf Club date. (Chicago, Illinois) (The Greatest Game Ever Played)


U.S. President Woodrow Wilson is picketed by woman suffragists in front of the White House, who demand that he support an amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee women the right to vote. (Washington, DC) (Wilson)


Jack Flowers born as Giovanni Fiori. (Buffalo, NY) (Saint Jack)


Socialite Miss Glory Franklyn, daughter of Mrs. S.T. Franklyn, elopes with gas station owner and operator Blackstone 'Blacky' Gorman. (Springfield, Mass) (Chance at Heaven)


A man falls out of Westminister Cathedral tower. (London, England) (Foreign Correspondent)


Martin Luther King delivers his 'I Have A Dream' speech. (Lincoln Memorial) (Dreamgirls)

In an alternate universe, Nick Webber stands next to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his "I Have A Dream" speech. (Washington D.C.) (Hot Tub Time Machine 2)


Walter E. Kurtz's transfer application is denied. (Apocalypse Now)

Life magazine headline: "THE BEATLES: They're here again and what a ruckus!" (New York City, New York) (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)


A letter from Sam Shakusky of Billingsley Boys' Home to Suzy Bishop of Summer's End, New Penzance Island enters into the care of the postal service. (Chesterfield Station) (Moonrise Kingdom)


Footage of the alien autopsy at Roswell broadcast on television. (Alien Autopsy)


Daisy has her daughter Caroline read aloud the diary chronicling the life of her friend Benjamin Button. (Louisiana) (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

Complete list of movie dates.

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