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Norman Invasion of England. (England)


15th June: Magna Carta is issued. (England)


Spanish Armada doesn't happen.


8th August: Spanish Armada. (English Channel)


Jack Nicholson 1974. (United States)


Carl starts working as a bell hop at a Madison Hotel. (Philadelphia, Pensylvania)


Spanish Armada doesn't happen.


June: The Revolting Blob sits on someone's head and kills him. (United States)

August: An issue of Wrestling World features the Revolting Blob. (United States)


June: Danny McGrath graduates from Knibb High School.


Spanish Armada doesn't happen.


Friday 7th January: Brian Madison announces that he's retiring and letting Eric Gordon take over the family hotel business. Brian's son Billy decides to go back to school to prove himself worthy of taking over the hotel chain.

Monday 10th January: Billy Madison begins 1st grade in Miss Lippy's class at Polly Fector Elementary School.

Friday 21st January: Billy passes 1st grade.

Monday 24th January: Billy begins 2nd grade.

Friday 4th February: Billy wins in a spelling bee and passes 2nd grade.

Monday 7th February: Billy starts 3rd grade with Veronica Vaughn as his teacher.

Friday 11th February: Ms. Vaughn makes Billy write cursive on the board.

Monday 14th February: Principal Anderson subs for Ms. Vaughn.

Thursday 17th February: Ms. Vaughn's 3rd grade class goes on a field trip to an Amish village.

Friday 18th February: Billy finishes 3rd grade.

Monday 21st February: Billy begins 4th grade.

Friday 4th March: Billy passes 4th grade.

Monday 7th March: Billy begins 5th grade.

Friday 18th March: Billy passes 5th grade.

Monday 21st March: Billy begins 6th grade.

Friday 1st April: Billy passes 6th grade.

Monday 4th April: Billy begins 7th grade.

Friday 15th April: Billy passes 7th grade.

Monday 18th April: Billy begins 8th grade.

Friday 29th April: Billy takes a test and passes 8th grade.

Monday 2nd May: Billy starts going to Joseph Knibbs Memorial High School.

Wednesday 15th June: By this time Billy Madison has passed grades 1-12 and decides to go to college and become a teacher. Carl takes over the hotel chain.

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