The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

Movie events on the 21st February


Martin Van Buren marries Hannah Hoes. (Catskill, New York) (Amistad)


John Quincy Adams suffers a stroke. (Amistad)


Hideki Tojo grabs even more power as he takes over as Japanese Army Chief of Staff, a position that gives him direct control of the Japanese military. (Tora! Tora! Tora!)


Mary Ann Boyd is born. (Halifax, Nova Scotia) (Argo)


Malcolm X assassinated. (New York) (Malcolm X)


President Richard Nixon takes a dramatic first step toward normalizing relations with the communist People's Republic of China (PRC) by traveling to Beijing for a week of talks. (Nixon)


Rachael Anne is born. (Montreal, Canada) (Unknown)


Kenneth Waters comes home with scratches on his face and he is immediately arrested as a suspect in the death of Katherina Bow. (Ayer, Massachusetts) (Conviction)


Derek Frost is born in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois) (Source Code)


In the deleted alternative ending, Director USS sends a message to Los Angeles Field Office saying that special agents Richard Chance and John Vukovich are subjected to the Anchorage Residency Agency. (Anchorage, Alaska) (To Live and Die in LA)


Anne-Claude Tremblay is born. (Illinois) (Source Code)


Sun-Sentinel has John Grogan's column about Marley pulling the table. (South Florida) (Marley & Me)


IRA Terrorist Frankie Maguire enters the United States under the alias Rory Devaney (Newark International Airport, New Jersey) (The Devil's Own)


Billy begins 4th grade. (Billy Madison)


Oskar planned something for this date. (New York City) (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close)


Annie-Claude Tremblay's driver's license is issued. (Friarstown, Illinois) (Source Code)


Derek Frost is issued his driver's license in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois) (Source Code)


Christine goes to Ganush's grave and puts an envelope in her mouth. Christine's boss, Jim Jacks, leaves her a message saying that he found out Stu Rubin stole Christine's work and was fired. Before Christine and Clay are able to take a train to Clay's parents' cabin in Santa Barbara, where Clay planned to propose to her, Clay reveals that he has the envelope containing the cursed button. Christine falls onto the tracks and is dragged to Hell. (Los Angeles, California) (Drag Me To Hell)

Monitored from its command center in Beijing, China, the ESD Moonbase opens as Director David Levinson presides over the ribbon cutting ceremony. Designed with both offensive and defensive weapons capabilities, the Moonbase is the first of several planetary bases designed to monitor our solar system for potential alien threats. (Independence Day: Resurgence)


Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo, and Melman the giraffe end up in Madagascar, where they meet lemurs. (Madagascar) (Madagascar)


Annie-Claude Tremblay's driver's license expires. (Illinois) (Source Code)


Derek Frost driver's license expires in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois) (Source Code)


A video of a Slender Man sighting is uploaded to the internet (Mission, Oregon) (Slender Man)

Complete list of movie dates.

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