The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one
Unknown - timeline
Monday 7th June: Martin Harris is born.
Sunday 7th June: Martin John Harris is born. (Weare, New Hampshire)
Monday 6th July: Martin John Harris is born. (Weare, New Hampshire)
Sunday 1st May: William Sean Carmichael is born. (Ottawa, Canada)
Friday 21st February: Rachael Anne is born. (Montreal, Canada)
Sunday 13th March: Claudia Marie is born. (Canada)
Wednesday 9th September: Martin Harris' father dies.
Wednesday 1st September: Martin Harris' passport is issued.
July: Elizabeth and Martin Harris marry each other.
Tuesday 18th July: Dr. Martin Harris takes a photograph with his wife on their honeymoon. (Paris, France)
Wednesday 22nd August: Martin John Harris' drivers license is issued. (Weare, New Hampshire)
Biotech 2009 takes place.
Sunday 25th January: William Sean Carmichael's passport is issued. (Ottawa, Canada)
Monday 13th April: Rachael Anne Carmichael's passport is issued. (Ottawa, Canada)
Saturday 27th August: Sean William Carmichael goes to Berlin. (Berlin, Germany)
November: Liz and Martin Harris book a suite in Berlin two weeks in advance. (Berlin, Germany)
Sunday 20th November: Dr. Martin Harris arrives in Berlin, but forgets his briefcase at the airport and goes back to get it only to end up in a car crash. He hits his head on the car window and his heart stops. He is revived and awakens 4 days later to find out that he IS NOT Dr. Martin Harris after all. (Berlin, Germany)
Sunday 20th November: Dr Martin Harris' cab crashes into a river. (Berlin, Germany)
Thursday 24th November: Dr. Martin Harris awakens from his coma and suffers from amnesia. (Berlin, Germany)
Thursday 24th November: Dr Martin Harris wakes up from his 4-day coma. (Berlin, Germany)
Friday 25th November: Martin Harris' scheduled meeting with Professor Bressler. (Berlin, Germany)
Saturday 26th November: Isabel Kronenberger shows. (Berlin, Germany)
Sunday 27th November: The assassination of Prince Shada is thwarted, and "Martin Harris" takes on a new identity as Henry Taylor. (Berlin, Germany)
Tuesday 21st August: Martin John Harris' drivers license expires. (Weare, New Hampshire)
Friday 25th January: William Sean Carmichael's passport expires.
Friday 25th January: William Sean Carmichael's passport expires.
Saturday 13th April: Rachael Anne Carmichael's passport expires.
Sunday 31st August: Martin Harris' passport expires.