The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies

Movie events on the 24th November


Mohawk Chief Thayendanegea, also known by his English name, Joseph Brant, dies at his home. (Burlington, Ontario) (Divided Loyalties)


Scott Joplin is born. (Texarkana, Arkansas) (Scott Joplin)


Holmes and Watson save Parliament from Blackwood's chemical weapon. Coward is captured. Holmes persues Irene Adler on the Tower Bridge, where Blackwood is hanged. (London, England) (Sherlock Holmes)


Ted Bundy is born. (Burlington, Vermont) (Halloween: Resurrection)


Life magazine headline: "NOVA SCOTIA FISHERMEN AT SEA OFF THE GRAND BANKS." (New York City, New York) (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)


Linda Porter dies, leaving Cole a widower who would rarely write again. (De-lovely)


Lee Harvey Oswald, the suspected assassin of president Kennedy, is assassinated by nighclub owner Jack Ruby. (Dallas, Texas) (JFK)

Lee Harvey Oswald is questioned by government agents before his death. (X-Men: Days of Future Past)


DB Cooper hijacks a plane and parachutes to his escape. Never to be seen or heard from again. (Washington State ) (The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper)


Harvey Dent is elected DA of Gotham City and vows to "shed the light of the law on that nest of vipers". (Gotham City, USA) (Batman)


Crawl attends a bachelor party, organized for him by Becca's ex, Travis & the Warners' farmhand, Theo. He passes out during Tracy's striptease. (South Dakota) (Son in Law)


Dre Parker's height is measured on the day of his first home run. (Detroit, MI) (The Karate Kid)


Autopsy on Jennifer Toland (I Know Who Killed Me)


Alex Furlong flees from Victor Vacendak and finds Julie Redlund. (New York City) (Freejack)


Dr. Martin Harris awakens from his coma and suffers from amnesia. (Berlin, Germany) (Unknown)

Dr Martin Harris wakes up from his 4-day coma. (Berlin, Germany) (Unknown)


Thousands of suicidal fish beach themselves on the shore of Lake Michigan, and a safari time-jump goes wrong when the time-travellers face a volcano by mistake. (A Sound of Thunder)

Complete list of movie dates.

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