The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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Friday 17th September: Melvin Downing is born. (Illinois)


Friday 14th July: Pierre Perrault is born. (Illinois)


Thursday 17th April: Corry Tibbits is born. (Illinois)

Monday 13th October: Catherine Leboeuf is born. (Illinois)


Thursday 20th April: Philippe Cadieux is born. (Dillmont, New York)


Monday 1st February: Derek Frost is born (Northfield, Illinois)


Monday 21st February: Derek Frost is born in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois)


Monday 21st May: Maximilien Dion is born. (Iowa)

Monday 29th October: Marjolaine Legault is born. (Illinois)


Saturday 2nd January: Kyle Gatehouse is born. (Weston Falls, Illinois)

Sunday 21st February: Anne-Claude Tremblay is born. (Illinois)


Thursday 12th February: Julie Bougie Boyer's driver's license is issued. (Brichwood Valley, Illinois)


Wednesday 21st February: Annie-Claude Tremblay's driver's license is issued. (Friarstown, Illinois)

Monday 17th September: Melvin Downing's driver's license is issued. (Valleyfield, Illinois)


Thursday 21st February: Derek Frost is issued his driver's license in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois)

Wednesday 29th October: Marjolaine Legault's driver's license is issued. (Gibson Valley, Illinois)


Friday 2nd January: Kyle Gatehouse's driver's license is issued. (Weston Falls, Illinois)

Thursday 12th February: Julie Bougie Boyer's driver's license is issued. (Brichwood Valley, Illinois)

Friday 17th April: Corry Tibbits' driver's license is issued. (Palmersfield, Illinois)

Tuesday 21st April: Maximilien Dion's driver's license is issued. (Dilwood Galesboro, Iowa)

Tuesday 12th May: Derek Frost driver's license is issued. (Northfield, Illinois)

Sunday 12th July: Pierre Perrault's driver's license is issued. (Beechum, Illinois)

Friday 2nd October: Catherine Lebeouf's driver's license is issued. (Ridgemere, Illinois)


Friday 30th July: William Clement's driver's license is issued. (Kinburn, Wisconsin)


February: Captain Colter Stevens reportedly dies in Afghanistan. The remaining top half of his body is to be taken to the Source Code facility. (Afghanistan)

April: Stevens uses a Source Code to figure out who blew up a train heading towards Chicago.

Monday 30th May: A date in Sean Fentress' planner.

Tuesday 31st May: Sean Fentress schedules to have coffee with Christina Warren on this day. (Illinois)

Wednesday 1st June: A date in Sean Fentress' planner.

Thursday 2nd June: A date in Sean Fentress' planner.


Tuesday 21st February: Annie-Claude Tremblay's driver's license expires. (Illinois)

Saturday 21st April: Maximilien Dion's driver's license expires. (Iowa)

Monday 17th September: Melvin Downing's driver's license expires. (Illinois)


Thursday 21st February: Derek Frost driver's license expires in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois)

Wednesday 17th April: Corry Tibbits' driver's license expires. (Illinois)

Friday 12th July: Pierre Perrault's driver's license expires. (Illinois)

Tuesday 30th July: William Clement's driver's license expires. (Wisconsin)

Tuesday 29th October: Marjolaine Legault's driver's license expires. (Illinois)


Wednesday 12th February: Julie Bougie Boyer's driver's license expires. (Illinois)

Monday 12th May: Derek Frost driver's license expires. (Northfield, Illinois)

Thursday 2nd October: Catherine Lebeouf's driver's license expires. (Illinois)

Tuesday 21st October: Kyle Gatehouse's driver's license expires. (Illinois)

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