The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one
Movie events on the 13th October
The Knights Templar declared heretic by the Catholic Church. (The Da Vinci Code)
Charles "Swede" Risberg is born. (San Francisco, California) (Eight Men Out)
Fox William Mulder is born. (Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts) (The X-Files Movie)
A blood-stained shirt is sent to The San Francisco Chronicle. (Zodiac)
Angelique tries to buy out the Collins fish company. She and Barnabas have sex, which he later regrets. (Collinsport, Maine) (Dark Shadows)
Charles "Swede" Risberg dies. (Red Bluff, California) (Eight Men Out)
Catherine Leboeuf is born. (Illinois) (Source Code)
KISS plays concert at Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI. (Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI) (Detroit Rock City)
Albert Grape commits suicide by hanging himself in his basement. (Endora, Iowa) (What's Eating Gilbert Grape)
Rorshach writes in his journal as he sneaks onto a military base to meet with Dr. Manhattan. (New York, New York) (Watchmen)
Francis Dollarhyde brings a blind woman named Reba to his house. (Chester, Missouri) (Manhunter)
A film adaptation of The Scarlet Letter starring Demi Moore is released. (Easy A)
Dade Murphy and Kate Libby enlist the help of notorious hackers Razor & Blade in order to download a worm program and destroy the Da Vinci Virus within Ellingson Mineral's computer system. (New York City) (Hackers)
Andy and Trish's eleventh date. (Los Angeles, CA) (The 40 Year Old Virgin)
A date on U.S. Market Average graph. (Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps)
Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher is born. (Copernicus City, Luna) (Star Trek: Generations)