The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Eight Men Out - timeline
26th October: William "Kid" Gleason is born. (Camden, New Jersey)
19th June: Eddie Cicotte is born. (Spring Wells, Michigan)
2nd May: Eddie Collins is born. (Millerton, New York)
19th January: Arnold "Chick" Gandil is born. (St. Paul, Minnesota)
16th July: "Shoeless" Joe Jackson is born. (Pickens County, South Carolina)
18th August: George "Buck" Weaver is born. (Pottstown, Pennsylvania)
22nd August: Oscar "Happy" Felsch is born. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
12th August: Ray Schalk is born. (Harvel, Illinois)
9th March: Claude "Lefty" Williams is born. (Aurora, Missouri)
13th October: Charles "Swede" Risberg is born. (San Francisco, California)
October: The Chicago White Sox conspire to throw the World Series.
Wednesday 1st October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 1 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Thursday 2nd October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 2 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Friday 3rd October: Chicago White Sox win Game 3 of World Series. (Chicago, Illinois)
Saturday 4th October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 4 of World Series. (Chicago, Illinois)
Monday 6th October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 5 of World Series. (Chicago, Illinois)
Tuesday 7th October: Chicago White Sox win Game 6 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Wednesday 8th October: Chicago White Sox win Game 7 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Thursday 9th October: Chicago White Sox lose 8th and final game of 1919 World Series. (Chicago, Illinois)
Tuesday 5th July: The "Black Sox" are accused of throwing the World Series.
Monday 2nd January: William "Kid" Gleason dies. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Sunday 25th March: Eddie Collins dies. (Boston, Massachusetts)
Wednesday 5th December: "Shoeless" Joe Jackson dies. (Greenville, South Carolina)
Saturday 6th June: "Sleepy" Bill Burns dies. (Ramona, CA)
Friday 20th November: Billy Maharg dies. (Philadelphia, PA)
Tuesday 31st January: George "Buck" Weaver dies. (Chicago, Illinois)
Wednesday 4th November: Claude "Lefty" Williams is born. (Laguna Beach, California)
Monday 17th August: Oscar "Happy" Felsch dies. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Monday 5th May: Eddie Cicotte dies. (Detroit, Michigan)
Saturday 7th February: Abe Attell dies. (New Paltz, New York)
Tuesday 19th May: Ray Schalk dies. (Chicago, Illinois)
Sunday 13th December: Arnold "Chick" Gandil dies. (Calistoga, California)
Monday 13th October: Charles "Swede" Risberg dies. (Red Bluff, California)