The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
Varsity Blues - timeline
Bud Kilmer begins coaching the West Caanan High School football team. (West Caanan, Texas)
Coach Bud Kilmer "hammers" a football player. (West Caanan, Texas)
Jonathon "Mox" Moxon and Billy Bob are born. (West Caanan, Texas)
May: West Caanan High School Class of '80 graduates. (West Caanan, Texas)
Troy is born. (West Caanan, Texas)
West Caanan High School wins a district championship. (West Caanan, Texas)
Billy Bob's Pee-wee football coach yells at him. (West Caanan, Texas)
Billy Bob receives a trophy at lineman camp. (Texas)
Lance Harbor becomes an all-star football player. (West Caanan, Texas)
West Caanan High School football team wins the district championship. (West Caanan, Texas)
Saturday 7th November: Pancake breakfast takes place.