The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Valentine's Day - timeline
A man who will one day become an oversized baggage agent is born. (Los Angeles, California)
Estelle reads Edgar Paddington's mind when he tries to ask her out. (Los Angeles, California)
Sean Jackson is born. (Los Angeles, California)
Jason Morris is born. (Indiana)
Alex Franklin and Grace Smart are born. (Los Angeles, California)
Monday 17th January: '94 Northridge quake. (Northridge, California)
February: Harrison Copeland gets married. (Los Angeles, California)
Sunday 13th February: Julia Fitzpatrick spends the night with Dr. Harrison Copeland, and Liz Curran spends the night with Jason Morris. (Los Angeles, California)
Monday 14th February: Valentine's Day affects many people. (Los Angeles, California)
Tuesday 15th February: Valentine's Day is over. (Los Angeles, California)