The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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Monday 27th October: Aron Ralston is born. (Indianapolis, Indiana)


Friday 25th April: Aron Ralston prepares for a day of canyoneering.

Saturday 26th April: In the morning, Aron meets two hikers named Kristi and Megan. Around 3 PM, he gets stuck in a narrow passage when a boulder traps his arm. (Blue John Canyon, Utah)

Sunday 27th April: Aron video records a message to his parents. (Blue John Canyon, Utah)

Monday 28th April: Aron talks about the raven he sees in the morning into his video camera. (Blue John Canyon, Utah)

Tuesday 29th April: In the morning, Aron pretends that he's on a radio show. (Blue John Canyon, Utah)

Wednesday 30th April: Aron realizes that he chose to be alone. (Blue John Canyon, Utah)

Thursday 1st May: Aron Ralston amputates his arm and gets out of the narrow passage. He finds hikers who help him. (Blue John Canyon, Utah)


Aron Ralston meets his future wife Jessica Trusty.


February: Aron and Jessica's first child, Leo, is born.

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