The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

Me & Orson Welles quotes

Me & Orson Welles - timeline

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Friday 5th November: High schooler Richard Samuels ditches school and hops a bus for New York City. There he impresses Orson Welles into casting him in the role of Lucius, Brutus' page, in his landmark modern-dress production of "Julius Caesar". (New York City, New York)

Thursday 11th November: On the morning before opening night of the legendary modern-dress production of "Julius Caesar", young actor Richard Samuels boldly confronts his boss, director and star Orson Welles, jealously accusing Welles of sleeping with his girlfriend, John Houseman's assisent Sonja Jones. Welles fires him on the spot. Later that day, Welles amiably negoitates with Samuels to return for the opening night performance. The production is a critical triumph. That night at the after-party, Samuels learns from Joseph Cotten that Welles has replaced him for the run of the show. (New York City, New York)

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