The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one
Movie events on the 22nd November
Lord Greystoke born, and adopted by Kala the ape. (Tarzan)
Rotheram is found dead in his bathtub. Lord Blackwood kills U.S. Ambassador Standish. (London, England) (Sherlock Holmes)
Jack London dies from kidney failure. (Glen Ellen, California) (Jack London)
U.S. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated. (Dallas, Texas) (JFK)
After hearing of President Kennedy's assassination, Charlotte Flax kisses Joe Peretti in the belltower of the local convent. (Massachusetts) (Mermaids)
Alek assassinates US President John F Kennedy. (Dallas, Texas) (Salt)
Photos from Lebanon are analyzed. (Washington, D.C.) (Black Sunday)
The Wood vs. Vicksburg case ends the Wood family winning. (New Orleans, Louisianna) (Runaway Jury)
A date on K. Gotti's package full of underwear. (The Bounty Hunter)