The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

Movie history events from 2032

Survivors of the Reaper virus are spotted in Edinburgh and Glasgow for the first time in 24 years. (Scotland) (Doomsday)

Commercial mining begins on Mars. (Event Horizon)

Joseph A. Cooper is born (Interstellar)

T-850 sent back to 1997. (The Terminator)

Saturday 3rd April: Weyland acquires four of the largest existing defense conglomerates in the world. These major acquisitions significantly bolsters multinational defense, security, and aerospace technology holdings. (Prometheus)

Thursday 20th May: Weyland scientists discover the inverse relationship between velocity and the flow of time making the long sought-after concept of faster than light travel a reality. The search for practical application begins. (Prometheus)

Sunday 4th July: John Connor killed by a T-850. (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines)

August: The SAPD thaws John Spartan to stop the escaped Phoenix. He does, after freezing and decapitating him, and blowing up the cyrofacility. Note: Since Phoenix escaped in August, the film would have to be set there too. (San Angeles) (Demolition Man)

Tuesday 3rd August: Simon Phoenix escapes cryofacility during release hearing. (San Angeles) (Demolition Man)

Wednesday 15th September: Clifford H. McBride is born (Ad Astra)

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