The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Donnie Darko - timeline
Grandma Death is born.
Sunday 24th January: Donnie Darko gets pills.
Saturday 1st October: Donnie Darko argues with his sister and mother.
Sunday 2nd October: Donnie Darko is visited by a giant bunny rabbit, who tells him the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds.
Thursday 6th October: Donnie Darko floods his school.
Monday 10th October: Donnie starts studying time travel.
Tuesday 18th October: Donnie Darko tries to kiss Gretchen Ross.
Wednesday 26th October: 4 days remain.
Saturday 29th October: Hallowe'en party at the Darko's.
Sunday 30th October: Donnie Darko's alternate universe ends.