The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

Buffalo '66 mistakes

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Buffalo '66 - timeline

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Monday 26th December: Billy Brown is born. (Buffalo, NY)

Monday 26th December: Billy Brown is born. (Buffalo, New York)


Layla is born. (Buffalo, New York)


Billy Brown meets Wendy Balsam in kindergarten and has a crush on her. (Buffalo, New York)


Billy Brown poses for aphoto with his dog Bingo. (Buffalo 66)


December: Football player Scott Wood misses a game-winning goal and Billy Brown goes to jail after placing a bet. (Buffalo, New York)


January: Billy's letter for his mom's birthday is sent by Goon. (Buffalo, New York)

June: Goon sends Billy's letter. (Buffalo, New York)

December: Goon mails Billy's Christmas letter. (Buffalo, New York)


December: Billy Brown is released from jail, gets tap dancer Layla to pretend to be his wife, falls in love with her, and decides not to kill Scott Wood and commit suicide. (Buffalo, New York)

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