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The House Bunny - timeline

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October: Shelley Darlington is born.


A picture is taken of Shelley Darlington by herself on a see-saw.


Shelley Darlington uses erythromycin, which she is allergic to. It makes her skin itch and glow.


October: Shelley Darlington starts living at the Playboy Mansion.


October: After being kicked out of the Playboy mansion, Shelley Darlington becomes a housemother at Zeta house and helps them gain enough new members to keep it from getting shut down.

November: The Playboy issue with Miss November is released.


After Shelley Darlingson is tricked into leaving the Playboy mansion, she becomes the house mother for the Zeta Alpha Zeta sorority.

April: Zeta House's "Spring Fever" calendar.

May: Zeta House's "The Graduate" calendar.

June: Zeta House's "Prune In June" calendar.

July: Zeta House's "Stars And Stripes" calendar.

September: Zeta House's "Back To School" calendar.

October: Zeta House's "The Witching Hour" calendar.

December: Zeta House's "Naughty Or Nice" calendar.

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