The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
The Gorgon - timeline
The Gorgon appears around this time. (Greece)
Someone stops inhabiting a building. (Vandorf, Germany)
Ellen Thelld is born.
Frieda Eichman is born. (Austria)
Josaphina Hoffman is born.
Josaphina Steiner is born.
Gretchen Bouman is born.
Saturday 6th June: Carla Hoffman registers to become a citizen. (Vandorf, Germant)
Wednesday 29th July: Gretchen Bouman registers to become a citizen. (Vandorf, Germant)
Monday 14th March: Frieda Eichman registers to become a citizen. (Vandorf, Germant)
Murders having to do with a Gorgon begin. (Vandorf, Germant)
The Gorgon claims another victim. (Vandorf, Germany)
The Gorgon murders are investigated. (Vandorf, Germany)