The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
Movie history events from 1874
Arsene Lupin, future jewelry thief born. (Blois, France) (Arsène Lupin)
Bart becomes the first black Sheriff in the West at the order of Hedley Lemar. (The American West) (Blazing Saddles)
Frieda Eichman is born. (Austria) (The Gorgon)
The Grasshopper Plague of Kansas. (Kansas) (Man of Steel)
Dr. Henry Jekyll conducts experiments concerning human personalities that turn him into Edward Hyde. (London, England) (The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll)
8th March: Millard Fillmore dies. (Buffalo, New York) (The Monroe Doctrine)
8th June: Apache Chief Cochise dies. (Southeastern Arizona) (Taza, Son of Cochise)
6th August: Law officers kill Jim Reed, the first husband of the famous bandit queen Belle Starr. (Belle Starr)
10th August: Herbert Hoover is born. (West Branch, Iowa) (The Day the Bubble Burst)
23rd November: Hilda Bouverie kicks off her triumphant European tour singing "Lucia di Lammermoor" at the Teatro del Corso. (Bologna, Italy) (Stingeree)