The Movie Timeline - it's like a timeline, but of movies
Movie events on the 8th May
Harry S Truman is born. (Lamar, Missouri) (Truman)
Francis Ouimet is born. (Brookline, Massachusetts) (The Greatest Game Ever Played)
Millie Dupree is born. (New Orleans, Louisianna) (Runaway Jury)
The date that a teenager one day claims to have been born in order to drink at a pub. (Sandford, Gloucestershire) (Hot Fuzz)
Richard Nixon defends invasion of Cambodia. (Nixon)
David Berkowitz pleads guilty for the Moskowitz and Violante slayings and sentenced to 365 years prison. (Summer of Sam)
A newspaper which says that Mary McGarricle has been sentenced to 30 years in prison has the date Saturday May 8th, 1986. (That's My Boy)
Walter Mitty rents two strong little men to hike with him. (Lower Himalayas, Afghanistan) (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)