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The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard mistakes

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The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard - timeline

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Sunday 7th December: Navy boys enjoy the bright Hawiian sun when all of a sudden the jets come flying in high and fast. (Pearl Harbor, Hawaii)


Monday 19th February: Dick Lewiston lands in Iwo Jima. (Iwo Jima, Japan)


Ben Selleck is born. (Temecula, California)


Jibby Newsome is born.


Smoking is aloud on air flights.

Sunday 20th July: Man lands on the Moon. (The Moon)


The first commercial smokeless air flight.


Don Ready has sex with a beauty queen. Blake's parents conceive him and the father runs off. (Temecula, California)


Blake, future car salesman, is born. (Temecula, California)


Brent Gage becomes a memebr of the Frequent Sleepers Club. (Hacienda Courts)


January: Ben Selleck's son Peter is born. (Temecula, California)


Some time after the 4th of July weekend sale, Don Ready marries Ivy Selleck. They adopt Blake as their son. (Temecula, California)

Friday 4th July: 71 of the 211 cars at Selleck Motors are sold on the first day of 4th of July weekend with the help of Don Ready and his team. (Temecula, California)

Saturday 5th July: 35 of the 140 cars left at Selleck Motors are sold. (Temecula, California)

Sunday 6th July: The last 105 cars at Selleck Motors are sold. Don Ready sells a Trans Am to Paxton Harding. (Temecula, California)


January: Jibby and Heather break up. (Temecula, California)

January: Paxton Harding pays $80,000 for the Trans Am. (Temecula, California)


Don and Ivy have a divorce. Neither of them want custody of Blake. (Temecula, California)


Tuesday 19th August: Don Ready chokes on a sausage patty in a strip club and dies.

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