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June: A young girl by the name of Diane Mercer gets haunted by a demon. An exorcism results in her dead.


Monday 18th September: Micah Sloat bought a camera to film unexplained noises his girlfriend, Katie, hears at night. (San Diego, CA USA)

Tuesday 19th September: Dr. Fredichs, a psychic medium, visits Micah Sloat and Katie Featherston to talk about unexplained events happening in their house. Dr. Fredichs explains they are dealing with a demon, not a ghost. (San Diego, CA USA)

Tuesday 19th September: Dr. Fredichs, a psychic medium, visits Micah Sloat and Katie Featherston to talk about unexplained events happening in their house. Dr. Fredichs explains they are dealing with a demon, not a ghost. (San Diego, CA USA)

Wednesday 20th September: At about 2 AM the bedroom door at Micah and Katie's place moves out of itself. (San Diego, CA USA)

Friday 22nd September: At 3 in the morning Katie Featherston wakes up from a nightmare awakening her boyfriend Micah. Seconds later they here a thump downstairs. When Micah checks out what it was, he can't find anything. (San Diego, CA USA)

Saturday 30th September: At about 3:15 in the morning Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat hear some unexplaining sounds in their house. Then they hear a scream and a bang downstairs. When checking out they discover the chandelier in the living room is swinging. (San Diego, CA USA)

Monday 2nd October: Around 1:30 in the morning Katie gets up in her sleep. After standing near her bed for a couple of hours she walks downstairs. When her boyfriend Micah wakes up he finds her sitting in the yard. When going back in the house the bedroom tv flips on by itself. The next morning, Katie remembers nothing of what happend that night. (San Diego, CA USA)

Monday 2nd October: Micah Sloat gets a Ouiji board. Katie and Micah go out leaving the camera running focused on the board. Around 7:30 PM the Ouiji board starts to move out of itself and bursts into flames. (San Diego, CA USA)

Tuesday 3rd October: Micah sloat studies the out-of-itself moving Ouiji board. Amber, Katie's friend, visits her. Micah sprinkles powder on the hall floor. (San Diego, CA USA)

Wednesday 4th October: The sounds of footsteps wakes up Micah at night. Footprints in the white powder lead to the attic of Micah and Katie's house. In the attic Micah discovers a burned photo of Katie as a child. (San Diego, CA USA)

Wednesday 4th October: Katie Featherston decides to call Dr. Averies, a demon-expert. He is abroad so she calls upon Dr. Fredichs, the psycic medium again. (San Diego, CA USA)

Thursday 5th October: Around 4 in the morning Micah and Katie get seriously haunted. Loud footsteps are heard through the house, lights flip off and the bedroom door slams shut. (San Diego, CA USA)

Thursday 5th October: At dinner time Katie and Micah hear glass breaking, discovering the glass of a photoframe is cracked. The psycic medium, Dr. Fredichs visits Katie and Micah for the second time. He does the smart thing and leaves the house immidiately. (San Diego, CA USA)

Friday 6th October: At around 3 AM the hallway light flips on and off and a shadow walks by the bedroom door at Micah and Katie's place. The next day Micah finds out about a girl, Dianne, who in the '60 experienced the same events as Katie did in her life. (San Diego, CA USA)

Saturday 7th October: At half past four in the morning Katie Featherston is pulled out of her bed and gets draged through the hallway by something of an invisible force. Probably the demon who's haunting her. (San Diego, CA USA)

Sunday 8th October: -Around 1:30 AM Katie Featherston gets up in her sleep and stands near her bed a couple of hours. She then goes downstairs and screams fot Micah. Micah hurries downstairs and gets killed by his girlfriend, Katie. Katie throws Micah's body at the camera which was filming them the last month. She then leaps at the camera before disapearing forever. (San Diego, CA USA)

Wednesday 11th October: Micah Sloat's body gets discovered in his house by the police. (San Diego, CA USA)

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