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13 Going On 30 - timeline

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Sunday 26th May: Jenna Rink is born.


Tuesday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 7.


Wednesday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 8.


Thursday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 9.


Saturday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 10.


Sunday 26th May: Jenna Rink is born.


Monday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 12.


Tuesday 26th May: Jenna Rink's 13th birthday, where her wish to be 30 years old is granted.


Matt dances to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and then doesn't dance to it again for 15 years.


December: Class of 1991 attends Winter Wonderland.


Becky is born. (New York City)

May: Class of 1991 graduates.


According to Lucy Wyman, Jenna Rink's slip dress is of this year.


Friday 25th December: Matt Flamhaff sees Jenna Rink through a frosted window. (New York City)


December: Sparkle magazine beats Pois magazine. (New York City)

Thursday 25th December: Jenna Rink does not spend Christmas with her family.


January: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City)

February: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City)

March: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City)

April: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City)

May: Sparkle beats Pois. (New York City)

May: Jenna Rink wakes up almost 30 years old.

Friday 21st May: Matt Flamhaff helps Jenna Rink photograph Class of 2004 for Poise's new design. (New York City)

Wednesday 26th May: Jenna Rink turns 30. (New York City)

Thursday 27th May: The date Matt scheduled to have dinner with Jenna. Lucy finds out that Jenna helped boost Sparkle's sales and lies to Matt about her. (New York City)

Friday 28th May: The day of Matt's wedding. Jenna wishes that she was 13 again, and it comes true. (New York City)

Friday 28th May: The day of Matt's wedding. Jenna wishes that she was 13 again, and it comes true. (New York City)

June: This month's issue Pois is about Jennifer Lopez's 10th secret while Sparkle's issue is about her 11th secret. (New York City)


Wednesday 21st December: Chris Grandy's taxi-driver's license expires. (New York City)

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