The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

Movie events on the 11th May


Jesus enters Capernum, casts out a demon from a man and heals an ill child. (King of Kings)


Confederate Cavalry General J.E.B. Stuart is mortally wounded. (Richmond, Virginia) (Gettysburg)


After having received a letter with a death threat, a frightened Lloyd Brandon is murdered in the streets of London by Gabriel Mateo, a gaucho flute player out to avenge the murder of his father. From his hiding place in the foliage, Mateo hurls a Chilean bolas, which first strangles young Brandon then smashes his skull. Brandon's body is discovered by his solicitor, Jerrold Hunter, who is detained and questioned by Scotland Yard Inspector Bristol until Sherlock Holmes convinces Bristol to release him. (London, England) (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)


Steve Rogers attends a Dodgers game against the Phillies. (Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, New York) (Captain America: The First Avenger)


Brunnlitz liberated by Russians. (Schindler's List)


Enzo Ferrari makes racing debut. (Piacenza, Italy) (Ferrari)


Peter Callahan is born. (While You Were Sleeping)


The 101 Airbourn, 187th infantry, and the B company, 3rd battalion fight the Vietnamese. (Ashau Valley, Vietnam) (Hamburger Hill)


Forrest Gump appears on the Dick Cavett show with John Lennon. lennons appearance on the dick cavett show was originally with yoko ono. forrest appeared on the show instead of yoko in the movie. original footage: (dick cavett show) (Forrest Gump)


Bob Marley dies from cancer at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. (Funny People)

Bob Marley dies. (Miami, Florida) (We Bought a Zoo)


Sergeant Oswald Cochrane is killed in a helicopter accident. (Die Hard 2)

Kim Philby dies. (Moscow) (The Fourth Protocol)


Will/Flappy the clown entertains Molly Martin at her birthday party. (Vulgar)


Sergeant Nicholas Angel arrests the members of the local Neighbourhood Watch Association (NWA). (Sandford, Gloucestershire) (Hot Fuzz)


Day 488: Tom meets Summer on a bench overlooking downtown LA. (500 Days of Summer)


A date marked on a calendar in the Parker kitchen. (New York City, New York) (The Amazing Spider-Man)


Monarch hires Sam Coleman to help usher in a new era for the organization. He is tasked with helping declassify Monarch's documents and eventually begins new initiatives to further be transparent to the rest of the world (Godzilla: King of the Monsters)

Monarch hires Sam Coleman to help usher in a new era for the organization. He is tasked with helping declassify Monarch's documents and eventually begins new initiatives to further be transparent to the rest of the world (Godzilla: King of the Monsters)


The National Science Foundation (NSF) lifts restrictions on the commercial use of David androids. (Prometheus)

Complete list of movie dates.

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