The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

Movie events on the 14th December


Despite assurances from the royal physician that he has "passed the worst", Albert, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom, dies with his beloved wife, Queen Victoria, at his side. (Windsor Castle, England) (Victoria the Great)


President Lincoln announces a grant of amnesty for Mrs. Emilie Todd Helm, Mary Lincoln's half sister and the widow of a Confederate general. (Lincoln)


Roald Amundsen becomes the first explorer to reach the South Pole. (Race for the Poles)


The Battle of the Bulge starts in the forests of the Ardennes. (Belgium) (Patton)


Truman tries to book a flight to Fiji and take a bus to Chicago. He tries driving out of town and scares his wife Hannah. Marlon talks to Truman and reunites him with his father. Christof, the creator of The Truman Show, is interviewed. (Seahaven Island City) (The Truman Show)


Thomas Schell had a surprise planned for his and Linda's anniversary on this day. (New York City) (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close)


Down With The Butterfly perform at The Rivoli and Rancho Relaxo. (Toronto) (American Pie: Beta House)


Upset animals confront the Foxes. Mr. Fox uses his plan to take everything. (Fantastic Mr. Fox)

Complete list of movie dates.

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