The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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Clive Candy shoots a German soldier. (Flanders - The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp)

Dr. Cullens bites the dying Edward who is sick with the Spanish influenza. He becomes vampire. (Twilight)

Future vampire Edward Cullen is born. (Twilight)

Tuesday 8th January: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson discusses the aims of the United States in World War I and outlines his "14 Points" for achieving a lasting peace in Europe. (Washington, D.C. - Wilson)

Sunday 3rd February: Joey Bishop is born. (Bronx, New York - The Rat Pack)

Thursday 14th February: Harold Angel is born. (New York - Angel Heart)

Friday 22nd February: Swept along by hysterical fears of treacherous German spies and domestic labor violence, the Montana legislature passes a Sedition Law that severely restricts freedom of speech and assembly. (Montana - Legends of the Fall)

Saturday 13th April: Captain Spaulding born. (House of 1000 Corpses)

Saturday 20th April: Susannah Fincannon writes to Tristan asking if he will ever return and about Alfred's successful business ventures. (Legends of the Fall)

Sunday 21st April: Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the notorious German flying ace known as the (Somme River, France - The Red Baron)

Thursday 25th April: Thomas Button marries Caroline. They will be the parents of Benjamin Button. (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

Thursday 4th July: Steve Rogers is born. (Captain America: The First Avenger)

Monday 8th July: Ernest Hemingway is severely wounded while carrying a companion to safety on the Austro-Italian front during World War I. (In Love and War)

Sunday 14th July: Quentin Roosevelt is shot down and killed by a German Fokker plane. (Marne River, France. - The Wind and the Lion)

Wednesday 17th July: Czar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and their children are shot to death by the Bolsheviks during the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought Communism to Russia. (Russia - Nicholas and Alexandra)

Thursday 18th July: Nelson Mandela is born. (Mvezo, South Africa - Invictus)

August: A battle takes place and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band shows up. (Fleu'de Coup - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

October: Paul Baumer is killed a month before the Armistice ending The Great War. (All Quiet on the Western Front)

October: T.E. Lawrence and Prince Feisal conquer Damascus; Lawrence returns to Britain. (Lawrence of Arabia)

Tuesday 8th October: Alvin C. York is credited with single-handedly killing 25 German soldiers and capturing 132 in the Argonne Forest. (France - Sergeant York)

Tuesday 8th October: American troops rush the German trenches, incurring heavy losses due to German machine gun nests. Sgt. Alvin York, being the only noncom left alive, assumes command and turns the German trenches into a turkey shoot. (Corday, France - Sergeant York)

November: As the Great War ends in Germany, art dealer Max Rothman befriends art student Adolf Hitler. (Max)

Monday 4th November: British poet Wilfred Owen is killed in action. (Sambre Canal - War Requiem)

Monday 11th November: Benjamin Button is born. (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

Wednesday 27th November: Stockbroker Richard Hardy is arrested for the shooting and attempted murder of Burmese Ivory King Hishuru Tori. Hardy is merely taking the fall for his wife Edith, who shot Tori, to whom she owed $10,000, in order to thwart a rape attempt after he had branded her shoulder. (New York, New York - The Cheat)

Wednesday 4th December: Woodrow Wilson departs on the first European trip by a U.S. President. (Wilson)


Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown. (Back to the Future Part II)

Walter Collins born. (Changeling)

The last double-fault final-play elimination in a Dodgeball tournament. (Helsinki, Finland - Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story)

The Dolly Sisters reunite for one final performance as part of an All Star Benefit for The Actors' Guild at the Manhattan Opera House. (New York - The Dolly Sisters)

Seven Chicago White Sox players throw the World Series - Shoeless Joe Jackson's involvement is never proved. (Field of Dreams)

Frederico 'Freddy' Corleone born. (The Godfather)

James Allen comes home from World War I to find a struggling economy. He has a hard time frinding the various jobs he had before the war. He accidentally becomes involved with a robbery and is sentenced to a Southern chain gain. Allen escapes and heads up to CHicago. He becomes a successful in the construction business, but his properitor, Marie Woods, learns of his secrets, she blackmails him into an unhappy marriage. Allen falls in love with Helen. In return for Allens' proposal to a divorce, Marie turns him in to the authorities.Allen is once again sent to a chain gang. There he escapes again. The hardened Allen avoids several manhunts and makes his way up North where he becomes a tax consultant. The film portrays the harsh conditions of the Southern Chain gangs. Three weeks after the films' release, Gerogian authoraties learn of his wherebouts and arrest him as a fugutive. The then New Jersey govenor refused to extradict him. The film was successful in prion reform. By 1937 Georgia outlawed its chain gangs. Burns returns to Goeogia in 1945 to have his sentence revokes and civil liberties restored. The film itsef was banned in Georgia. (various locations - I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang)

Mel Stein is born. (Los Angeles, CA - I Love You, Man)

Penny Rose Mansfield is born. (New York City, New York - Kick-Ass 2)

The Opera Populaire's public auction, inc. Lot 666, the chandelier in pieces; Raoul buys the music box for Christine's grave where the Phantom places her engagement ring. (Paris - The Phantom of the Opera)

Lyle Straight born. (The Straight Story)

The Donahues perform "When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam'" at a vaudeville theater. With their very young son, they are The Three Donahues. (There's No Business Like Show Business)

January: The sledding event had to take place sometime between December 1918 and February 1919 because by the time Mr Gower's son dies in May 1919 George Bailey had already lost the hearing in his left ear. (Bedford Falls, NY - It's a Wonderful Life)

January: The Irish War of Independence is fought against the United Kingdom. (Ireland - Michael Collins)

Sunday 13th April: The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre was named after the Jallianwala Bagh (Garden) in the northern Indian city of Amritsar where, on April 13, 1919, 90 British Indian Army soldiers under the command of Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer opened fire on a peaceful religious gathering of Sikh men, women and children. The firing lasted for 10 to 15 minutes, until they ran out of ammunition. (Amritsar, India - Rang De Basanti)

Saturday 3rd May: Emil Gower receives a telegram informing him that his son has died from influenza. (It's a Wonderful Life)

Friday 16th May: Liberace is born. (West Allis, Wisconsin - Rock 'n' Roll Frankenstein)

Wednesday 18th June: An American abroad in China, Allen Turner, is urgently summoned home to the U.S. by his father, forcing him to make the difficult decision to leave behind his pregnant Chinese wife, Lotus Flower. (China - The Toll of the Sea)

Saturday 28th June: Harry S. Truman marries Elizabeth Virginia Wallace. (Independence, Missouri - MacArthur)

Monday 14th July: Clive Candy sends a letter to the Prisoners of War Committee in an attempt to locate Oberst Kretschmar Schuldorff. (The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp)

Tuesday 15th July: Iris Murdoch is born. (Dublin, Ireland - Iris)

Wednesday 16th July: Oberst Kretschmar Schuldorff is captured by Allied forces. (The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp)

Friday 18th July: The Prisoners of War Committee sends a letter to Clive Candy indicating that Oberst Kretschmar Schuldorff has been located. (Victoria Hotel, Northumberland, London, UK - The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp)

Friday 1st August: Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer puts J. Edgar Hoover in charge of the General Intelligence Division. (Washington, D.C. - J. Edgar)

Saturday 9th August: Ralph Houk is born. (Lawrence, Kansas - 61*)

Tuesday 19th August: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson appears personally before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to argue in favor of its ratification of the Versailles Treaty, the peace settlement that ended the First World War. (Wilson)

Tuesday 26th August: Clive Candy hosts a bachelor dinner party and is reunited with Oberst Kretschmar Schuldorff. (The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp)

October: The Chicago White Sox conspire to throw the World Series. (Eight Men Out)

Wednesday 1st October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 1 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio - Eight Men Out)

Thursday 2nd October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 2 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio - Eight Men Out)

Friday 3rd October: Chicago White Sox win Game 3 of World Series. (Chicago, Illinois - Eight Men Out)

Saturday 4th October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 4 of World Series. (Chicago, Illinois - Eight Men Out)

Monday 6th October: Chicago White Sox lose Game 5 of World Series. (Chicago, Illinois - Eight Men Out)

Tuesday 7th October: Chicago White Sox win Game 6 of World Series. (Cincinnati, Ohio - Eight Men Out)

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