The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive
Sunday 15th August: Richard Nixon turns his attention away from the war in Vietnam and announces a sweeping series of economic initiatives, including a ninety-day freeze on wages and rents, as well as the end of America's twenty-five-year-old policy of converting foreign money into gold. (Nixon)
Friday 3rd September: Life magazine headline: "AMERICAN OUTDOORS: THE ENDLESS WEEKEND." Bike riders are on the cover. (New York City, New York - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
Saturday 4th September: First day of school. (Alexandria, Virginia - Remember the Titans)
Monday 13th September: Thomas Anderson/Neo is born. (Capital City, USA - The Matrix)
October: Caretaker Willie Loomis believed that this was the time when he met Barnabas Collins while he was drunk. (Collinsport, Maine - Dark Shadows)
Wednesday 6th October: Jacob Singer and 1st Air Calvary Division are attacked while on patrol (Mekong Delta, Vietnam - Jacob's Ladder)
Friday 12th November: Richard Nixon sets February 1, 1972, as the deadline for the withdrawal of an additional 45,000 U.S. troops. (Nixon)
Wednesday 24th November: DB Cooper hijacks a plane and parachutes to his escape. Never to be seen or heard from again. (Washington State - The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper)
Friday 26th November: Danny Greene kills Mike Frato in "self-defense". (Cleveland, OH - Kill The Irishman)
December: The Indo-Pakistani War. (Life of Pi)
Thursday 23rd December: Jimmy Hoffa released from prison on the condition he not participate in union activities for 10 years. (Hoffa)
Friday 24th December: Frank Cross dumps Claire Phillips to pursue his career. (Scrooged)
A Uruguayan college rugby team's chartered airplane crashes deep in the icy mountains. (Andes - Alive)
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover Watergate. (Washington DC - All the President's Men)
A year on a gravestone. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Martin Sylvester Huggins is born. (Pine Crest, North Carolina - The Campaign)
Zola receives a terminal diagnosis. (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Malachi starts leading the biggest boys. (Gatlin, Nebraska - Children of the Corn)
Young Frankie Maguire witnesses the murder of his father. (Belfast, Ireland - The Devil's Own)
President Nixon hires Betsy Jobs and Arlene Lorenzo as dog walkers for Checkers. (The White House - Dick)
Deena Jones and The Dreams have another No 1 hit record. (Dreamgirls)
3 talking apes from the future travel back in time and land off the coast of California. (Los Angles, Ca. - Escape from the Planet of the Apes)
M.K.Silvery-Marmoset is Whack Bat Most Valuable Player of the Fox-Year of '72. (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Jeff Spicoli starts getting stoned. (Ridgemont, CA - Fast Times at Ridgemont High)
Moonlight Graham dies. (Field of Dreams)
Lts. Jake Grafton, and Virgil Cole, make an illegal bombing run over Hanoi. (Hanoi, North Vietnam - Flight of the Intruder)
Walt Kowalski gets his Gran Torino car. (Gran Torino)
George Madison is born. (How Do You Know)
Eileen and Frank get married. (Tipperary, Ireland - Leap Year)
Bill Django is shot by an enemy. (Bihn Duong Province, Vietnam - The Men Who Stare at Goats)
Bill gets lost in the New Age movement. (United States - The Men Who Stare at Goats)
A colonel visits the north pole on an expedition. (North Pole - Miracle on 34th Street)
Steve Carlton plays for the Philadelphia Phillies. (Moneyball)
11 Israeli athletes are killed at the Olympics by terrorists; a group of Mossad agents track down the Black September group responsible. (Munich - Munich)
Richard Nixon makes a state visit. (China - Nixon)
Astronaut Landon graduates college, as 'the golden boy'. (Planet of the Apes)
Brigadier General Francis X Hummel fights in the Vietnam War. (Vietnam - The Rock)
Johnny Smalls, David Durango, and friends try to get a model rocket back from Mr.Myrtle's dog, Goliath, son of Hercules. (Sawyer Valley, California - The Sandlot 2)
Garry meets Bennings. (The Thing)
Nixon wins by a landslide. (Timecop)
George W Bush drink-drives. (W.)
Trask and Nixon take a secret meeting for 18 1/2 minutes. (Washington, D.C. - X-Men: Days of Future Past)
Monday 3rd January: Gary King is born. (Newport Haven, UK - The World's End)
Monday 10th January: Former Vice President Hubert Humphrey criticizes President Richard Nixon, saying that it was taking longer for President Nixon to withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam than it did to defeat Hitler. (Nixon)
Thursday 13th January: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon announces that 70,000 U.S. troops will leave South Vietnam over the next three months, (Nixon)
Friday 14th January: Astronauts Dodge, Landon, Stewart, and Taylor leave Cape Kennedy aboard Liberty 1 and go through a Hasslein Curve. (Planet of the Apes)
Sunday 30th January: Thirteen civil rights protesters are killed by British paratroopers during a non-violent protest march. (Derry, Northern Ireland - Bloody Sunday)
February: Bolivar Trask is on the cover of this month's issue of Popular Mechanics. (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
Sunday 13th February: Earl Malcolm Spellman is born. (Chicago, Illinois - Wanted)
Monday 21st February: President Richard Nixon takes a dramatic first step toward normalizing relations with the communist People's Republic of China (PRC) by traveling to Beijing for a week of talks. (Nixon)
Saturday 26th February: Alice Cooper performs at the Winnipeg Arena. (Winnipeg, California - Dark Shadows)
March: Larry's girlfriend wants to have an abortion but changes her mind after they have pizza. (Los Angeles, California - This Is 40)
Wednesday 1st March: John Mitchell begins his job as Nixon's campaign manager. (All the President's Men)
Wednesday 15th March: Earliest phone call made to the GOP from Watergate burglars. (All the President's Men)
Wednesday 15th March: Actor Edward Lionheart comes out of retirement and murders critic George Maxwell. (London - Theatre of Blood)
Monday 10th April: Date of incriminating cashiers check written out to Kenneth H Dahlberg. (All the President's Men)
Monday 10th April: Charlie Chaplin accepts an honorary Academy Award for his "incalculable" contribution to the art of filmmaking. (Los Angeles, California - Chaplin)
Monday 10th April: The U.S. table tennis team begins a weeklong visit to the People's Republic of China at the invitation of China's communist government. (Forrest Gump)
Sunday 23rd April: Adrian Franklin is born. (The Adjustment Bureau)
May: Richard Collier is given an old pocket-watch by an old woman who whispers "Come back to me". (Somewhere In Time)