The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

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June: Following an altercation between her nanny Rosaleen and racists, Lily Owens takes Rosaleen and runs away from home. (South Carolina - The Secret Life of Bees)

Friday 5th June: Sam Shukusky registers with Khaki Scout Troop 55 (New Penzance Island - Moonrise Kingdom)

Sunday 7th June: Martin John Harris is born. (Weare, New Hampshire - Unknown)

Sunday 14th June: Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan receives a letter of acceptance for a position at Harper Row Publishing. (Jackson, Mississippi - The Help)

Saturday 20th June: Gen. William Westmoreland succeeds Gen. Paul Harkins as head of U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV). (Path to War)

July: Summer: Sam Shakusky meets Suzy Bishop backstage at a children's stage performance of the Noah's Ark story. (New Penzance Island - Moonrise Kingdom)

Monday 6th July: Martin John Harris is born. (Weare, New Hampshire - Unknown)

Monday 27th July: IRA Terrorist Frankie Maguire aka Frankie the Angel is born. (1964 - The Devil's Own)

August: The Wonders perform 'That Thing You Do!' on The Hollywood Television Showcase, and break up the next day. (Hollywood, CA - That Thing You Do)

Monday 17th August: Oscar "Happy" Felsch dies. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Eight Men Out)

Tuesday 25th August: Eleanor Ann Arroway born to Joanna, who dies in childbirth. (De Pere, Wisconsin - Contact)

Friday 28th August: Walter E. Kurtz's transfer application is denied. (Apocalypse Now)

Friday 28th August: Life magazine headline: "THE BEATLES: They're here again and what a ruckus!" (New York City, New York - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)

September: Alma Junior Del Mar, the first child, a daughter, of Ennis and Alma Del Mar, is born. (Riverton, Wyoming. - Brokeback Mountain)

Wednesday 23rd September: Walter E. Kurtz's transfer application is denied. (Apocalypse Now)

Saturday 3rd October: Walter E. Kurtz's availability date. (Apocalypse Now)

Wednesday 14th October: Nikita Khrushchev is ousted as both premier of the Soviet Union and chief of the Communist Party. (Enemy at the Gates)

Thursday 15th October: Cole Porter dies. (De-lovely)

Saturday 31st October: Dennis Carradine is born. (Spider-Man 3)

December: Simon Birch saves a busload of kids when the bus goes into a river, but at the cost of his own life. (Maine - Simon Birch)

Saturday 5th December: The Toad is adopted by Prince Charles as a pet. (London - Flushed Away)

Thursday 24th December: Jack Starks born. (The Jacket)

Thursday 31st December: Drag-racer John Milner is killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. (More American Graffiti)


Future paranormal author Michael Enslin is born. (1408)

Andy Stitzer is born. (Los Angeles, CA - The 40 Year Old Virgin)

James Brennan is born. (Adventureland)

Terry Fields reported missing in action. (An Loc, Vietnam - American Graffiti)

Fran Kubelik used to go with an executive who got caught up in account shortages. He'll be out in 1965. (Pittsburgh - The Apartment)

Nazi war criminal Kurt Dussander is spotted in West Berlin. (Apt Pupil)

An invasion from the planet Natal is thwarted when all the Earth's nations fight back. (Battle in Outer Space)

Aaron Altman graduates high school, 2 months shy of his 15th birthday, then gets beaten up. (Boston, MA - Broadcast News)

Jim Morrison meets Pamela Courson. (London, England - The Doors)

Mark Ratner is born. (Ridgemont, CA - Fast Times at Ridgemont High)

Good Morning Vietnam. (Vietnam - Good Morning, Vietnam)

Nickel's Hardware opens. (Haddonfield, Illinois - Halloween)

Youths escape Gorman House and go on a trip that results in Jedidiah Sawyer's transformation into Leatherface. (Texas - Leatherface)

Samantha Cole (maiden name unknown) born. (Liar Liar)

The Folksmen perform 'Old Joe's Place' on TV's Hoot Nite. (A Mighty Wind)

John and Mimi are photographed. (Liverpool, England - Nowhere Boy)

Amylu Kern dies. (Bodega Bay, California - Puppet Master II)

The cars are in the movie (Remember the Titans)

Woodrow Buttrey is born. (RoboCop)

Rocky Balboa meets Mickey Goldmill. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Rocky)

Rachael Evans born. (The Royal Tenenbaums)

John Savage is born. (The Savages)

Jonas Singer is born. (Saw II)

Catherine Martin is born. (Tennessee - The Silence of the Lambs)

A picture is taken of Clark Kent. (Smallville - Superman III)

James McKeen Costa is born. (Taking Lives)

June Carter performs with Johnny Cash and is shunned by his wife and family. (Las Vegas, Nevada - Walk the Line)

Charles Xavier opens the School for Gifted Youngsters. (New York City, New York - X-Men: Days of Future Past)

Tuesday 5th January: The mother of Charlie and Ray Babbit dies from an illness. (Cincinnati, Ohio - Rain Man)

Thursday 21st January: Raymond Babbit leaves 10961 Beechrest Street. There are 7.2 inches of snow that day. (Cincinnati, Ohio - Rain Man)

Sunday 24th January: Winston Churchill dies. (London, England - Young Winston)

Sunday 21st February: Malcolm X assassinated. (New York - Malcolm X)

Tuesday 23rd February: Stan Laurel dies. (Santa Monica, California - Chaplin)

March: Walter E. Kurtz successfully completes training in intelligence and psychological operations, counter-insurgency, and specialist course. (Apocalypse Now)

Wednesday 17th March: After a sandstorm disables the engines, Frank Towns crash lands his plane in the desert at 4pm. (Sahara Desert - Flight of the Phoenix)

Wednesday 14th April: Richard 'Dick' Hickock and Perry Smith are executed for the murder of the Clutter family, with Truman Capote present. (Kansas - Capote)

Monday 19th April: David Banner takes notes on a sea cucumber's defensive tissue hardening. (Hulk)

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