The Movie Timeline - be obsessive, be very obsessive

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February: Ben is dumped by his girlfriend Christine. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet)

Monday 4th February: Mardi Gras Week begins. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Friday 8th February: Mardi Gras Week ends. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Saturday 9th February: Parade begins. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Sunday 10th February: Marybeth Dunston goes on a swamp tour to avenge her father Sampson by hunting Victor Crowley. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet)

Sunday 10th February: Parade ends. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Monday 11th February: Marybeth Dunston and Ben are attacked by Victor Crowley in a boat. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet)

Monday 11th February: Marybeth Dunston and Reverand Zombie gather a team to hunt Victor Crowley. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet II)

Tuesday 12th February: Marybeth Dunston defeats Victor Crowley and shoots him in the face. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet II)

Tuesday 12th February: Fat Tuesday. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Tuesday 12th February: Marybeth Dunston survives Victor Crowley as his body is chainsawed. She is put in a jail cell and meets Victor Crowley expert Amanda, ex-wife of Sheriff Fowler. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Wednesday 13th February: Marybeth Dunston takes Amanda's advice to deliver the ashes of Thomas Crowley, which had been in the possession of his nephew Abbott McMullen, to his son Victor Crowley. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet III)

Thursday 21st February: Derek Frost driver's license expires in the "real world". (Cambry, Illinois - Source Code)

March: The date on a car sticker. (New York City, New York - The Amazing Spider-Man)

March: The time Reverand Zombie initially told Marybeth Dunston to come back to his shop. (New Orleans, Louisiana - Hatchet II)

Thursday 7th March: Jody and Dan Sanders move into a new house with Charlie Sheen's kids. (Scary Movie 5)

Friday 8th March: Jody goes to the Swan Lake auditions. (Scary Movie 5)

Saturday 9th March: Jody tells Dan that she senses something wrong with their house. (Scary Movie 5)

Sunday 10th March: Jody is chosen to be the swan queen. (Scary Movie 5)

Monday 11th March: Jody decides to call Professional psychic Blaine Fulda. (Scary Movie 5)

Tuesday 12th March: A car explodes in front of the Sanders' house. (Scary Movie 5)

Wednesday 13th March: Jody hears noises at night. Dan fires Maria and fights with her. Apes escape from Genetic Primate Research Center. Jody meets Kathy's mom during inception. (Scary Movie 5)

Thursday 14th March: Kendra denies having slept with Jody. They go to a cabin in the woods and find the Book of the Dead. (Scary Movie 5)

Friday 15th March: Caesar the ape is kicked out of the house. Jody saves the children from their dead mother. (Scary Movie 5)

Sunday 17th March: On Saint Patrick's Day, Dr. Jallings posts YouTube video titled "Batteries, The Pluses & Minuses Dr Jailings Science Investigator #023." (New York City, New York - The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

Monday 18th March: Kylie Bucknell goes into the basement looking for her phone, but she's attacked by "someone" and flees. Moments later, Amos arrives and Miriam Bucknell tells him she believes the house is haunted. Amos tries to record a EVP session. (57 Lynfield Road, Bulford, New Zealand - Housebound)

Thursday 21st March: There are six sirens when opening Purge at 7 PM March 21st and seven sirens when closing Purge at 7 AM March 22nd. (Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California, USA - The Purge)

April: The date on David Loki's car sticker. (Conyer, Pennsylvania - Prisoners)

Sunday 7th April: An article titled "NICA PIERCE RULED INSANE" is posted at 9:03 AM. (Cult of Chucky)

Wednesday 10th April: An article titled "NICA PIERCE RULED INSANE" is updated at 6:05 PM. (Cult of Chucky)

Wednesday 10th April: Laura Barns uploads a YouTube video (Fresno, California - Unfriended)

Friday 12th April: Laura Barns commits suicide after an embarrassing video of her is uploaded to YouTube (Fresno, California - Unfriended)

Friday 12th April: The RIP Laura Barns Facebook page is created in memory of her passing (Fresno, California - Unfriended)

Saturday 13th April: Rachael Anne Carmichael's passport expires. (Unknown)

Wednesday 17th April: Corry Tibbits' driver's license expires. (Illinois - Source Code)

May: Congressman Scott Talley tenders his resignation over allegations of using federal funds to purchase his mistress's fake breasts. The Motch brothers are called to a hearing for their association with international fugitive Toim Wattley. (The Campaign)

May: Kick-Ass joins Justice Forever. Mindy Macready bests mean girls at school. Chris D'Amico becomes The Motherfucker and gathers a team of supervillains. (New York City, New York - Kick-Ass 2)

May: Caesar works on puzzles and models designed for people ages eight and up. (San Francisco, CA - Rise of the Planet of the Apes)

Friday 17th May: Publication date of YouTube video called "Batteries, The Pluses & Minuses - Dr. Jallings Science Investigator #023." (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

Tuesday 21st May: Tito Lopez of Dos Bros Tacos befriends a fast snail named Turbo. (San Fernando Valley, California - Turbo)

Wednesday 22nd May: Tito tries to get people to invest in Turbo. (San Fernando Valley, California - Turbo)

Thursday 23rd May: Turbo is video-recorded as he races in front of people. (San Fernando Valley, California - Turbo)

Friday 24th May: Newspaper headline: "THAT SNAIL IS FAST." (San Fernando Valley, California - Turbo)

Saturday 25th May: Turbo gets ready for the Indy 500. (Indianapolis, Indiana - Turbo)

Sunday 26th May: Turbo wins the Indy 500. (Indianapolis, Indiana - Turbo)

Monday 27th May: Newspaper headline: "SNAIL WINS INDY 500." (Turbo)

June: Grown ups throw an '80s party. (Connecticut - Grown Ups 2)

June: Billy McMahon and Nick Campbell join an internship program at Google. (Mountain View, CA - The Internship)

June: Justice Forever defeats the Toxic Mega Cunts. Hit-Girl kisses Kick-Ass and leaves the city. (New York City, New York - Kick-Ass 2)

Tuesday 4th June: The estimated date for a $300 delivery to Miranda Swedlow. (Brooklyn, New York - Kick-Ass 2)

Friday 7th June: The Internship is released. (The Internship)

July: Team Lyle bonds. (Mountain View, CA - The Internship)

Friday 5th July: Terrorists attack the White House. (washington dc - Olympus Has Fallen)

Friday 12th July: Pierre Perrault's driver's license expires. (Illinois - Source Code)

Thursday 18th July: Data from Office of Public Health Awareness propogation projection studies says that Simian Flu has spread to 8.7 million people. (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)

Saturday 27th July: Downtown is photographed. (Los Angeles, California - Elysium)

Tuesday 30th July: William Clement's driver's license expires. (Wisconsin - Source Code)

August: Team Lyle succeeds in the final challenge of the internship program. (Mountain View, CA - The Internship)

August: Thomas Young asks a question on Facebook's help center and it is later answered (Unfriended)

Saturday 24th August: Macgruber's passport expires. (MacGruber)

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