The Movie Timeline - here's looking at movies, kid

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3rd May: Django Freeman and his wife Broomhilda escape. (Candyland, Mississippi - Django Unchained)


Alice journeys to Wonderland, and then through a looking-glass. (Alice in Wonderland)

Alice Kingsleigh tells her father that she has a recurring dream of Wonderland. (London, England - Alice in Wonderland)

22nd May: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is born. (Edinburgh, Scotland - Finding Neverland)

3rd December: Gambler John Oakhurst runs out of luck and takes his own life in a snow drift. (Outside of Poker Flat, California - The Outcasts of Poker Flat)


Baron Victor von Frankenstein recounts the events concerning the monster that he created and is sentenced to be executed. (The Curse of Frankenstein)

The United States Civil War begins. (Django Unchained)

Finecott/Davis, LTD is started. (The Fog)

Someone stops inhabiting a building. (Vandorf, Germany - The Gorgon)

Baron Victor von Frankenstein, sentenced to death, escapes execution by the guillotine by having a priest beheaded and buried in his place with the aid of some of his followers. He goes to Carlsbruck and starts using the alias Dr. Stein. (The Revenge of Frankenstein)

9th May: James Barrie is born. (Scotland - Finding Neverland)

13th August: Annie Oakley is born. (Patterson Township, Ohio - Annie Oakley)

21st November: Tom Horn is born. (Memphis, Missouri - Tom Horn)


Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown. (Back to the Future Part III)

Ada Munrioe comes to Cold Mountain, where she meets and falls in love with Inman. (Cold Mountain, NC - Cold Mountain)

Christine Daae's father, Gustav, dies, and she goes to the Opera Populaire, an orphan, to study to be a ballerina. (Paris - The Phantom of the Opera)

Montague Davenport is born. (Louisville, Kentucky - The Return of the Living Dead)

January: Most of the American South believe the election of Republican president Abraham Lincoln would terminate their ownership of black slaves, and so Jefferson Davies of Mississippi is elected president of a provisional government. (C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America)

10th January: William Seward accepts President-elect Abraham Lincoln's invitation to become Secretary of State. (The Monroe Doctrine)

29th January: Kansas enters the Union as a free state. (Kansas - Man of Steel)

April: Robert Gould Shaw joins the 7th New York Militia. (New York - Glory)

12th April: The Battle of Fort Sumter. (Fort Sumter, South Carolina - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

12th April: Johnnie Gray, an engineer for the Western and Atlantic Railroad, guided his locomotive, "The General" into Marietta, Georgia. Marietta was the home of his true love, Annabelle Lee. She waited patiently for his arrival. (Marietta Georgia - The General)

12th April: American Civil War begins; Scarlett O'Hara meets Rhett Butler at the Twelve Oaks party. (Gone with the Wind)

12th July: Wild Bill Hickok begins to establish his reputation as a gunfighter after he coolly shoots three men during a shootout. (Nebraska - Wild Bill)

December: The March girls - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - give away their Christmas feast to the poor. (Concord, Mass - Little Women)

8th December: Future illusionist and filmmaker Georges-Jean Meiles is born. (Paris, France - Hugo)

14th December: Despite assurances from the royal physician that he has "passed the worst", Albert, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom, dies with his beloved wife, Queen Victoria, at his side. (Windsor Castle, England - Victoria the Great)


Abraham Lincoln politely declines an offer by the King of Siam to send elephants to assist the Union against the Confederacy; the King of Siam falls for widowed British teacher Anna Leonowens. (Anna and the King)

6th February: General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry. (Northern Tennessee - How the West Was Won)

8th February: Union General Ambrose Burnside scores a major victory when he captures Roanoke Island. (North Carolina - Gods and Generals)

16th February: Amsterdam Vallon decides he will kill Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting after witnessing Bill's celebration of the murder of Amsterdam's father. (New York - Gangs of New York)

20th February: William Wallace Lincoln dies from an illness caused by vampire Vadoma. (Washington, DC - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

14th March: Battle of New Bern, North Carolina (New Bern, North Carolina - Gods and Generals)

13th April: After Union Spies stole the locomotive, "The General", Johnnie Gray retaliates by stealing "The General" back. Johnnie returns the locomotive to the Confederates and burns the Rock River Bridge, cutting the Union supply lines. General Thatcher seizes the opportunity for a counter offensive and drives the Union forces back. Johnnie Gray is given a field commission for his heroic act. (The Rock River Bridge near Big Shanty - The General)

24th April: Union Admiral David Farragut leads a flotilla past two Confederate forts on the Mississippi River. (south of New Orleans, Louisiana - Hearts in Bondage)

12th June: Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart begins his ride around the Army of the Potomac during the Peninsular campaign, after being sent on a reconnaissance of Union positions by Robert E. Lee. (Mosby's Marauders)

23rd June: A newspaper article titled "REMAINS IDENTIFIED" is published. (Portland, Maine - Offspring)

24th July: Martin Van Buren dies of heart failure. (Kinderhook, New York - Amistad)

20th August: Horace Greeley's "The Prayer of Twenty Millions" is published. (Gangs of New York)

17th September: Confederate General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and Union General George B. McClellan's Army of the Potomac fight to a standstill along a creek on the bloodiest day in American history. (Antietam, Maryland - Glory)

17th September: Battle of Antietam: Union officer Capt. Gideon loses both of his sons on this day. Legend says Gideon killed over 100 men himself. (nr Sharpsburg, Md - Seraphim Falls)

11th October: Confederate cavalry leader General J.E.B. Stuart loots Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, on a daring raid in the aftermath of the Battle of Antietam. (Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Gettysburg)

27th November: Robert Shaw starts training soldiers. (Readville Camp, Massachusetts - Glory)


Money is printed, later to be held for an emergency by Doc Brown. (Back to the Future Part II)

Abraham Lincoln is kidnapped and taken to the future. (Washington - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

San Francisco Examiner is founded as Democratic Press. (San Francisco, California - Cloud Atlas)

Autumn: The Union Army advances through Tennessee in a bloody march. (Dakota Territory - Dances with Wolves)

Amsterdam Vallon kills Butcher Bill. (New York - Gangs of New York)

The Federal Army faces the army of North Virginia at Little Round Top. (Gettysburg)

A Presbyterian Church is established. (New York - New Year's Eve)

Dr. Frankenstein transplants Karl's brain into a new body, which later murders others. Angry patients at the hospital attack Frankenstein and leave him for dead. Kleve places Frankenstein's brain in a body that resembles his original one. (Carlsbruck, Germany - The Revenge of Frankenstein)

Men delivering gold are killed by a futuristic machine gun; their cargo mysteriously disappears. (Timecop)

20th January: General Ambrose Burnside's Army of the Potomac begins an offensive against General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia that quickly bogs down as several days of heavy rain turn the roads of Virginia into a muddy quagmire. The campaign is abandoned three days later. (Gods and Generals)

25th January: General Ambrose Burnside is removed as commander of the Army of the Potomac. (Gods and Generals)

2nd May: Stonewall Jackson flanks General Joseph Hooker at Chancellorsville. (Gods and Generals)

10th May: Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson dies. (Gods and Generals)

24th May: Henry Plummer is elected sheriff of Bannack, Montana. (Bannack, Montana - Montana Territory)

28th May: The 54th Massachusetts leaves Boston. (Glory)

9th June: Robert Shaw's soldiers arrive. (Beaufort, South Carolina - Glory)

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